Chapter Fifteen

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Twenty Weeks


Louis was halfway through his pregnancy, that is if he didn't go into labor earlier. Harry was prepping to work full-time at the University and Louis was heading back to the school in two weeks time. He was only working until the second week of November, however. Liam had said that he didn't want to worry about Louis' water breaking in class.

Louis was driving Olivia to her swimming lesson, she had become quite the fish since starting back in May. This was her last week, though. She was sad about it, but Louis promised she'd come back to do more lessons. Little did she know it wasn't going to be until next year.

She went over to her instructor, all suited up and smothered in sunscreen, and Louis sat on the bleachers where the parents could observe. He pulled out his planning book for the next school year. He liked to do this before he started. He had the list of students and started writing diligently in his planner. All of the sudden there was a tap on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Briana. Ugh, Louis groaned inwardly. But he pushed a smile out on his face and said, "Hi there."

"What are you working on?" she asked, sitting on the row of bleachers below him.

"Planning out for the next school year."

"What year do you teach?"

"Year 1, I used to teach Year 3."

"Freddie is going to be in Year 1 this year. Is he in your class?" Briana asked.

"No, I just looked over my list and didn't see his name."

"Oh, that's a shame. Well, is your daughter here? Freddie is."

"Uh, yeah," Louis said, pointing over to the shallow end where the three to four year olds swam.

"She's super cute. Does she take after you or your girlfriend?" Briana thought Louis was straight? Was the baby bump in his middle not obvious or something?

"Oh, um. I'm gay, actually. And she takes after my fiancé," Louis answered.

"You are? I had no clue. Well... I'm sorry," Briana said, blushing brightly.

"It's alright," Louis said with a tight lipped smile. He then saw Olivia walking over to him, drenched. Thank God. He closed his planner, placing it on the bleacher beside him. He grabbed her towel and walked over to her, wrapping her up.

Briana asked, "Are you pregnant?"

"Uh," Louis looked up from his daughter and said, "Yeah. I'm twenty weeks along."

"Papa having two babies," Olivia added. Louis smiled at his daughter, but it wasn't information that Briana needed to know. Louis dried her off as much as he could and slipped on her little cover-up dress.

"Twins, wow. Congratulations."

"Thank you," Louis said. "See you later, Briana."

He gathered up his stuff and left the pool area. He got home right when Harry did, perfect timing. Louis unhooked Olivia from her carseat and grabbed the swim bag. Olivia ran up to Harry, he catching her as she leapt in his arms.

"Daddy! I swimming!" Olivia informed him. Harry beamed down at his little girl, pressing a kiss to her wet hair.

"I can tell, love. Did you have a good time?" Harry asked, starting towards the front door. Louis followed behind, watching them fondly.

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