Stuck At Midnight

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Y/N rolled around the bed, blinking and bored. Everything was so dull and boring...
You finally gave up and sat upright on the bed, looking over at your boyfriend, Gajeel, making sure that he didn't wake up.
You slowly crept out of bed and walked around the house in nothing but your undergarments and a large f/c tee. The cold chilly air brushed past you legs as you wandered around the house bored.
I knew it was a bad idea drinking coffee earlier.. You thought.
You gave up trying to sleep so you grabbed a large fluffy blanket and sat out on the patio, staring at the billions of stars above the dark blue sky.
Thoughts started to drift in your mind, and you thought about your relationship with Gajeel.
You always thought he liked Levy, imagine your surprise when you found out that he liked you. You talked to Levy about it and she said he'd just been coming to her for help about his crush in you, nothing more, nothing less.
Will he stay? What if he suddenly likes Levy? What if he leaves you? What if he dies on a mission? Dark thoughts started to swarm you mind.
You cheeks felt moist. You quickly wiped them away. You know what, it doesn't matter if he leaves or dies. What matters is that he's here right now. It matter that he loves me right now. It matters that I love him right now.
"What are you doing out here?"
Y/N turned around, seeing her boyfriend, Gajeel, looking at her.
"I couldn't sleep... That's all."
He sat down next to her, his arms wrapping your waist and his legs going around her.
You adjusted to sit in his lap.
They sat there for a while in a comfortable silence, staring at the stars.
"What are you thinking about?" He suddenly asked.
"The good for bad?"
"Bad..and good."
"Mind sharing?"
"I was thinking about if you left me. Or if you died, or if you-"
"Why would think about that?" Gajeel interrupted, looking at her very concerned.
"Dark thoughts, I guess.." Y/N said slightly chuckling.
"You don't have to worry, I'm never leaving you." Gajeel replies, desperately wanting to change the conversation topic. He beginning to imagine scenarios of Y/N leaving him.
"It doesn't matter, Gajeel. You know why?" Y/N said, turning to look at him, "because what matters is we are here right now and we love each other right now. We have to live in the present and stop worrying about the future and the past."
"I love you." Gajeel blurted out.
His face quickly turning red, "idiot."
Y/N giggled.
"I love you too, Gajeel."

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