Curse (Immortal!Reader x Gajeel)

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Y/N walked through the streets of Magnolia, feeling nostalgic, remembering how it was before.

Things changed so much.

She slipped into the guild hall, unnoticed.

Except by one person,

Gajeel Redfox.

He watched as the e/c eyed goddess walk into the room, mesmerized as she gracefully walk past Natsu and Grey fighting, past the request board, to Makorov.

She wore a simple white dress, with a black cloak framing her face and covering most of her body.

Gajeel instinctively walked over to her, dazed and in a trance.

She turned around, staring directly into his red eyes.

"Hello." She greeted, smiling faintly.

His heart pumped, nervously, he replied "Hi, I've never seen you around here." He held out a hand. "Gajeel."

"Smooth," She said, "Y/N."


"I'm immortal."

Gajeel stared at her, she had tears running down her face.

Gajeel and Y/N had been together for 1 year.

She first treated their relationship like a fling but then things started turning serious and she started to back away.

Gajeel never understood why and constantly get frustrated and argue with her.

"C-can't you see?" She cried, "We can never be together!"

"W-what?" He said, speechless.

"I'm fucking immortal!" She cried, angrily. "You're going to turn old and die! I'm going to be young forever!"

"W-We can make this work!" Gajeel protested, walking towards her.

She backed away and pulled on her black cloak she wore on the first day.

"N-no.." She mumbled, "We can't."

Y/N ran into the forest, leaving Gajeel standing in the clearing, confused.


It has been 5 years.

Gajeel dated here and there but never got too attached.

He move on for a short while and most recently, he broke up with his long-term girlfriend, Levy.

Gajeel looked up at the cloudy sky.

It's going to rain soon.

He was at a local market and was looking at the fruits when he saw a figure.

The figure was wearing a familiar black cloak.


Gajeel ran like there was no tomorrow, pushing past people.

The figure walked towards a forest and then stopped.

The figure pulled off the hood, revealing h/c locks.

"Y-Y/N?" He called out.

She turned around, meeting the same red eyes he met 5 years ago.

"Gajeel..." She said, smiling sadly. "How've you been?"

"Oh you know, dated here and there." He said, calmly.

"That's nice, I hope you're happy." She said, politely.

"I was."

A silence built around them.

"Stay with me." Gajeel said, walking closer to her. "We can make this work."

"No, we can't."

"I'm the most happiest with you. I don't care about the random fights we get or your annoying habits." Gajeel plead, "I don't care... I choose how to live my life, and I choose you."

"We won't last," She argued, "You deserve a normal life."

He chuckled dryly, "I'm in Fairy Tail, that shit is never normal."

Y/N smiled, "It's true..."

"So stay."

"We won't last."

"Death will decide for me."

"What happened to your tough exterior?"

"You're special."

Y/N's eyes watered.

Gajeel hugged her, "You're mine, idiot, and I'm never letting you go."

"Fine.." She mumbled into his shirt.


Y/N watched sadly at the heart monitor, it was still miraculously beating.

"I told you we won't last..." Y/N bitterly joked.

"It was worth it." Gajeel said.

They were married for 60 years, happy and smiling.

Now every fairy tail comes to a end.

But this one may not be that happy.

"I hope you're happy." Y/N smiled staidly at him. "Because I'm happy I spent 60 years with you."

"Trust me squirt, I am." Gajeel chuckled.

He coughed roughly, Y/N scrambled to get him water.

"You're still beautiful." He said.

"I'm immortal dumbass." Y/N said.

"It's a blessing." He said. "I wish I could be immortal with you."

"It's a curse." Y/N said, bitterly, glaring at her hand.

Gajeel slowly closed his tired eyes and drifted off the death, watching as Y/N cried.


Y/N stood at the large marble stone head.

Placing a bundle of black roses on the ground, she tried not to cry.

It has been 500 years.

And for those 500 years, she didn't miss their anniversary.

Always placing a black and white rose bouquet for him.

"Its a curse.." She mumbled, walking away.

Gajeel x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now