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Gajeel slipped into the drivers seat, putting his coffee aside, he started the car.

Y/N slipped into the passenger seat, wrapping herself in Gajeel's black hoodie.

"Cmon Gajeel, we need to leave now."  Y/N hurried.

"We wouldn't be late if you woke up earlier." Gajeel retorted.

"Or if you didn't eat the whole fridge." Y/N replied, swiftly.

Gajeel rolled his eyes and backed from their parking space.

Y/N yawned and turned on the radio.

Gajeel sipped on his coffee as he turned a curb.

A car ran past them.

Gajeel, angrily, honked his horn.

"Hey watch where you're going, Asshat!" He shouted.

Y/N stared at her phone, reading fan fiction.

She giggled and showed Gajeel a picture.

"Look! You have fangirls!" She said.

Gajeel grumbled something inaudible about the driver earlier.

"Are you proud?" Y/N asked.

"I don't know."

Y/N rolled her eyes, jokingly.

"They ship us!" She squealed, looking through pictures.

Her face suddenly turned really red. Gajeel noticed.

"What?" He demanded, eyes still on the road.

She laughed, nervously. "Nothing."

Gajeel ripped the phone away as she tried to hold on to it.

He glanced at the phone and laughed.

"What are you embarrassed about? It's not like they didn't do it right."

He read the lemon/smut.

Y/N flushed red and ripped back the phone from him and clicked homepage button.

Her face was practically steaming.

Gajeel just laughed.

And that's how they usually drive to work, Y/N scrolling through her phone and Gajeel joking and driving.

Gajeel x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now