Safe Haven

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Gajeel ran through the Wizards after wizards, searching for some one.

"Have you seen her?!" Gajeel demanded, as he approached Natsu.

"She's out in the battle field." Natsu said, worriedly.

Gajeel ran to the field, past injured Lucy.

"Where is she?!" Gajeel yelled at Grey, who was carrying injured Juvia.

"She's over there.." Grey trailed off.

"WHAT?!" Gajeel demanded, he was on the verge of crying.

"She not doing good, man." Grey said, pulling Juvia up to his back.

Gajeel pushed everyone aside as he ran and ran.

Anxiety and Dark thoughts roam his mind.

Please, please, for the love of Mavis, please

Gajeel sniffed the blood stained air and smelled Y/N's usual scent.

Flowery and clean. So pure.

Gajeel never understood why girls always smelled like food, candies, cupcakes and shit.

He followed the scent to a tree.

Y/N was stabbing a person with a spear, mumbling sorry.

You beautiful, idiot.

"Y/N!" Gajeel called, running towards her.

He noticed that there was a arrow through her foot.

She looked up, tears running down her face.

"G-Gajeel.." Y/N looked like she was in a daze.

Gajeel scooped Y/N up and ran towards the medical camp.

Levy and Wendy rushed to help her, Levy tried to get Gajeel to get a band aid but he ushered to help Y/N's bleeding foot.

"G-Gajeel?" Y/N asked, staring at the tent ceiling, crying.

"I'm h-here." Gajeel winced as he tried to bandage his arm.

"I k-killed some one."

"I know."

Wendy stuck a syringe into Y/N's neck, making her numb and sleepy.

"You know how people believe in Angels?"

"Yes?" Gajeel replied.

"We are all angels." Y/N mumbled, then falling asleep.

"I'm not sure about that." Gajeel replied, knowing that Y/N can't hear him.

"She should be better when she wakes up," Wendy said.

Levy chanted some healing spells and then left to diverse and battle strategy.

"You should leave." Wendy said, wiping dirt off of Y/N's forehead.

"... Fine," Gajeel said, leaving the tent.

Blood stained the ground of Magnolia, bodies were sprinkles all over the stained ground and spirits roamed the place, seeking their destination.

And Gajeel walked out into the battle field to face some more monsters.

But, like always.

They always keep coming back.

Gajeel smiled as he finished the last wave of monsters, heading back to Camp, leaving the victory cheers behind.

Gajeel grinned at a thought, he was going to propose to you after the war. Mavis said, from her calculations, that the monsters should give in some time this week.

After the rain, always comes the rainbow.

Gajeel walked into Y/N's tent, bringing her the medicine that Wendy instructed she take.


The bed was empty.

Gajeel almost dropped the medicine. Putting the medicine aside, he ran out of the tent like a maniac and searched for Y/N.

He heard Natsu yell that there was another battle coming.

Knowing Y/N, who didn't like to be weak and always was never the person to sit back, she was probably getting ready.

Crap, crap, crap

Gajeel ran frantically towards the armory, scanning the area for Y/N.

He saw Y/N walking towards the armory when he came out.

"You idiot!" He yelled/scolded, "You're supposed to be resting! Can you not be the hero for ONCE?!"

"I WANT TO FIGHT!" She yelled back.

Gajeel was slightly turned on by her yelling, but still yelled back, "Just please, Go and rest." He wrapped his arms around her bruised body, "I don't want you to die, you're already hurt."

Y/N melted into Gajeel's hug, whispering "Fine," But then added "But when I'm healed, I'll be out there."

Gajeel chuckled, "Alright, squirt."

He picked up Y/N and gave her a piggy back ride back to her tent, kissing her forehead.

"Gajeel," Y/N said, snuggling into the bed, "Remember what I said about Angels?"

"That poem crap you said while you were delirious?"

Y/N elbowed Gajeel's arm slightly, "Now that I think about it, we do seem like angels, we are here to protect and care."

"What if I'm a demon?"

"You're my demon."

"That's so fucking cheesy," Gajeel laughed.

Y/N laughed along and laced their fingers together,

"And we'll be together forever!" She joked.

After they joked around for a while, peacefully for now.

Outside their safe haven, was bloodshed, corpses, and screams.

But for now,

It was their precious moment of peace.

Away from the depression, emptiness, hardships, harshness and sadness of reality.

Their little safe haven.

My original plan was for Y/N to die...

Gajeel x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now