A Surprising Turn Of Events

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*Rubie's POV*

I walked down the street, humming a random tune I'd had stuck on my head all day. My friend Lacey walked beside me, headphones in, oblivious to the world around her and the pain it might inflict upon her if she paid the slightest attention to it. I smiled at the thought. We were so alike, and yet so different.

"What are you smiling at?" she asks, a quirky smile not quite there on her lips.

"Nothing!" I quickly reply, trying not to look suspicious.

"Hey what's that noise?" Lacey asked, as she flicked out one of her headphones with a black coated fingernail.

"I dunno!" I exclaimed, my hands flying up into the air to emphasize my point. "What noise anyway?"

When Lacey just looked at me as if I had drooled all over her shirt I just shrugged and said: "What! You know how bad my hearing is!"

Then I heard it. It was sort of like a wheezing sound, reminded me of my grandfathers breathing when he had to walk down the steep incline to get to our house. But no more, is he. Rest in peace...

Lacey turned to me with raised eyebrows as a blue box - police call box - generally associated with a certain British television show, emerged in the sky above our heads, flying like the madman that was most likely inside.

"He must have got the country wrong," I murmured softly to Lacey as we both ducked to avoid the out-of-control TARDIS that was clearly crash landing.


Judging by that sound alone, my assumption was correct.

I turned to face Lacey as we had both turned and ran towards that certain blue box at precisely the same time. The expression on her face was grim. What was she thinking? Was she regretting agreeing to walk with me after work when we had so much to do, what with that party we were going to and all? Or was she just super excited, but worried for the man she had been obsessing over ever since I introduced her to Doctor Who when we were teenagers? Also, was he even real? Was he who we thought he was?

It didn't matter, not right now. We had to find out if he was ok. Otherwise we would regret our decision for life.

Then a man emerged, coughing and gasping. He had floppy brown hair and the strangest forehead I had ever seen, with hazely green eyes. He looked like a trustworthy person, but looks could be deceiving.

Lacey had done a nursing course back when we were in uni, so I nudged her shoulder to push her toward him. She looked at me like I was crazy.

I rolled my eyes and approached him slowly.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly, not wanting to scare him.

His head swung around, scaring me for a second. Then he growled at me! Full on growled!

At my frown, his face transformed in a heartbeat, into one I recognised more easily.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" he asks, in a tone of voice that is eerily familiar, but something is missing from his eyes. His soul?

"I'm ok," I said, waving my hands as if to shoo away a problem. "What about you though?"

Lacey coughed pointedly, and I added "My friends' a trained nurse, if you're injured or something?" I finished lamely.

"No, no, I'm fine, there's no need for you puny little humans to bother yourselves. Why don't you run along home now?" His face had transformed again, back to that unfamiliar expression of evil, sinister thoughts. Maybe I was the only one who noticed, because when I looked over at Lacey, her expression was bordering on obsessiveness. She was practically drooling. It was like she hadn't heard a word he had said, only heard his voice and got lost in it's supposed melody while she drank in his suposedly attractive features. Right now i had no idea what she saw in him.

"Well," I said in my take-no-prisoners tone of voice "We'll be taking our leave, if you'll excuse us. Have a nice evening!" I finished on a faked happy tone as I grabbed Lacey's arm and physically dragged her away from that man. No wonder so many mother's have slapped him over the years...

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