Flower Faes Of Appalapachia

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The Doctor eyed me from the TARDIS controls.

"What's your problem?" He asked, gracefully falling from the top step. I would of laughed or cracked a smile, but I didn't. Doctor snaked across the floor over to me, his head rising up to my eye level. "Lacey Wacey!"

"Do you mind?" I turned away from his strangely happy grin.

"Yes, I do," the Doctor frowned. "Now tell me what's wrong?"

I shook my head. Rubie mysteriously wandered off without my attention... but it was more of the fact that all I wanted to do was sit back, and not follow an excited now enthusiastic girl to the point of my tire.

"I thought you wanted to explore," Doctor's voice hummed in my ears.

He slowly began to make his way towards the TARDIS doors. He held his hand out to me, but I didn't take any of his bullshit. "Ah. You're angry with me, aren't you?"

I made a rude noise. I wasn't angry at him, and that's why I was so pissed!

I just leapt off into the TARDIS without even considering the consequences! Rubie and I were probably the talk of the office, disappearing into no where!

Ha, more like somewhere.

Doctor knew where we were, and for some ridiculous reason, I wanted to know why he brought us here. Instead of nowhere, we were somewhere, and I wasn't happy to be here.

He pushed open the door for me. The air felt like it smacked me in the face, the feeling making me shiver.

"Be careful not to step on anything," Doctor warned, "the Appalapachians don't appreciate you fooling around with their gardens."

"Uh-huh," I nodded slowly, feeling Doctor's hand grab mine as my feet fumbled.

"You don't listen to me, do you?" He didn't let go of my hand, but kept a tight grip on it.

"That's what you think," I scowled, looking around briskly. The gardens were beautiful.

"They're a bit manipulative. I suggest you stay close," the Doctor sounded too serious for a joke. I agreed with an obedient nod.

"They, who?" I asked, picking up the pace to keep up with the Doctor, so he wouldn't be dragging me along.

"The Fae of Appalapachia. Annoying little things. They appear from specific plants for specific desires or moods... If you see one, don't look into its wings." The Doctor explained, glancing around accordingly. "Diliges fae are everywhere."

I looked around with half open eyes. All I saw were pink and red roses, assorted randomly amongst green bushes and some other plants. There was no pixie dust or whatever.

"Flowers," I huffed. "What are Diliges fae?"

"Diliges is Latin for love, Lacey. The Diliges to the humans, would be known as Cupid. But unlike that naked angel baby who must be a marvellous marksmen, the Diliges only encourage a love that is already present between people."

I sucked in a breath.

"Love fairies?" I shooed the thought away. I had the feeling Rubie wouldn't hesitate rendezvousing with the Master through here.

"They saved the human race. You should be thankful," muttered the Doctor. I felt like everything he said was just a poor excuse to suss me over.

He directed my attention over to a patch of Christmas roses.

"Those Helleborus are black, you see? They are the Minaces fae." He whispered.

Minaces. The Latin word for ominous.

The impression that something bad was going to happen...

"I'd rather party with the love fae then the sinister fae, thank you!" I looked away from the rebellious patch of portentousness. The Doctor smiled.

"You are scared of a bad feeling," Doctor said slowly, his voice trailing off. His eyes were beyond me, and then eased to me. "Then don't turn around."

I heard the hissing and unpleasant sounds of cracking and twisting. The Doctor had his arms around me, ushering me to close my eyes.

I had them squeezed shut, being guided through the flowers beneath me. But that inauspicious presence remained behind me.

"Don't open your eyes," the Doctor yelled, letting go of me. I stood stock still, my muscles frozen uncomfortably.

I heard the most wondrous sound, and the Doctor's arms were around me once more.

"Minaces are afraid of the Diliges," Doctor told me, letting me open my eyes. I saw the Minaces fae for a second.

Even though it was tiny, I assumed it had a creepy face.

The Diliges fae buzzed around, making a happy sound as the Minaces fae reversed back into its original flower form.

A trail of red shimmer was left as the Diliges fae circled us.

I squealed when the little faerie perched itself onto my shoulder. The fae was a girl; she had a dress that looked like an upside down rose, and shoes that resembled the thorns of the adult flower. From the time she slowed down I glanced over to get a look at her other little features. Her wings were like those of a red butterfly, but were transparent and patternless.

I predicted her tiny smile.

"She's fond of you," the Doctor chuckled, "how am I not surprised?"

I snorted at the Doctor's sarcasm, and smiled at the flower fae.

"I'm Lacey," I bowed my head to the fae. "Do you have a name?"

She took steps towards my ear, and a small voice was heard:

"My name is Dilly. Nice to meet you, Lacey."

Oh yeah. I was talking to her like she was a baby or an animal, but she could speak, and the TARDIS could translate!

I'm not dumb, OK. I just forgot.

Doctor walked us through the gardens, while Dilly fluttered over us.

"Where is Rubie?" Doctor asked no one, looking up to the sky, "this place gets crazy at night."

I shrugged. Rubie could take care of herself, so I wasn't that worried. She could drop kick a pedophile a hundred kilometres and not break a sweat.

Dilly make a cute giggling noise when I swerved around.

"What is it, Dilly?" I let the fae land on my palm.

"Rubie!" She pointed excitedly to a couple walking in our direction.

"With who?" I raised an eyebrow.

Dilly giggled again.

"Ooh," Doctor sucked in a breath through his teeth.

"The Master?" I gasped in shock. "the fuck?!"

"Exactly what I was thinking," Doctor chuckled. "Dilly, are those two compatible?"

The faerie rested on my arm, making a cooing sound. I laughed.

"That means yes," I waved them over. "They're loony over each other."

Doctor watched as the Master escorted Rubie over. The Doctor had his fingers resting under his chin, shaking his head. "They walked through the Helleborus patch." His voice faded.

"What do we do?" I shrieked to the Doctor, seeking Dilly's safety once I saw a frightening black swarm of Minaces fae.

Doctor had an excited but panicked look on his face.

"Basically... Run!"

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