A New Shop

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*Rubie's POV*

Lacey was going crazy I swear! What was wrong with her? Couldn't she tell he was evil incarnate?

"I apologise for my friend, Lacey. She's a little crazy!" I made the 'loopy' gesture to emphasise my statement. This made the Doctor grin, but it was the most evil grin that I'd ever seen. It didn't mesh with the image I had of the Doctor in my head. Lacey was probably more confused than I was.

"Nah, it's ok, I'm used to crazy people. But I have to go." He spun on his heel amd walked away, leaving his very obvious TARDIS behind.

"Hey! Are you just gonna leave that there?" I yelled after him, confused.

"It's ok, it has a perception filter!" he yelled back over his shoulder as he continued to run away, turning down an alleyway. He disappeared from view.

I heard Lacey's intake of breath from beside me, knowing full well what it meant from our much hated, shared lessons of P.E.

I watched her run after him, and let her go. After all I felt that he wouldn't hurt her, not yet anyway.

I sighed as I turned away from this afternoon's crazy events and wondered what on earth I would wear to the costume party Lacey and I had planned on going to. Was that plan still in place, or had it changed as soon as a certain time lord had entered our lives?

I still needed a costume to wear, which was why I had suggested we walk this way on our way back from work. This particular street had the most amazing shops. Cheap, but they had awesome quirky clothes, suitable to both mine and Lacey's taste.

I eyed the windows as I passed, hoping something would catch my eye. It was no fun shopping without Lacey.

SIDRAT? I hadn't seen that one before! Oh my god, they had elephant ornaments in the window. Now I had to go inside.

The door had a bell over it that rang softly whenever someone entered. The young man behind the counter looked up when I entered. He was quite good looking, with short blond hair and blue green eyes. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't remember who.

"I haven't seen this shop around before?" I asked, "are you new here?"

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