The Name of the Doctor

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*Rubie's POV*

"His name is..." Lacey stuttered. I wanted to help her but she got herself into this the moment she ran after him.

"Matt Smith," she finally finished. Then she put her foot in it by saying: "Not the famous one, though!" Because hello! He totally is famous, just in all the wrong ways.


My phone was ringing! Right in the middle of lunch! Why didn't I turn it on silent?

I excused myself to take the call, figuring it would be something important. Like work, or Lacey rescuing me from the awkwardness that was hosting my family.

"Hello?" I asked, quietly.

"Hey!" said the annoyingly jaunty voice of the Master. "I'm at your work and they want you here because one of your clients has come in complaining or something." He said all in a rush.

"Bullshit." I said flatly.

"Ok, ok, I'm in your bedroom, here if you need rescuing from your weird family that have a strange tendency to dislike the cybermen, who are actually quite nice you know," he rushed to say before I cut him off.

"Fine, you're more than welcome to 'come rescue me from my weird family now," I sighed and then hung up.

The sound of him clomping down the stairs had preluded Lacey and the Doctor turning up at my door.

*End Flashback*

"Well this is quite the party," I said into the awkward silence. Before Justin noticed what silly old Lacey had just said.

Too late. "Matt Smith? As in the Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith? Wow, you even look like him!" Justin said as he for up from his seat on the couch and approached the Doctor.

"Uh, nooo. I am a nurse though," the Doctor bullshitted to cover Lacey's slip of the tongue.

I gave her a look like you're-never-gonna-live-this-down,-ever! The Master clapped his hands together in glee, enjoying the Doctor's embarrassment in this awkward situation.

Justin turned to Lacey, "How did you even meet Matt Smith? How did you get him to come all the way over here!?" his voice had gone all high pitched, and I had to cover my mouth to hide my smile and held-back laughter.

"Uuhhh," Lacey stuttered, "ummmm...."

"He's not Matt Smith, and he's not British. He just looks like Matt Smith, thats all. And happens to have the same name...." my voice trailed off as I tried to cover for Lacey.

"But he has to be, he looks exactly the same! How can he not be!" Justin exclaimed, using the family trait of emphasizing his speech with his hands.

"Because he just isn't," I stated, my tone harsh. "Does anyone want coffee?" I asked politely, hoping it would be abundantly clear that I wanted this conversation to be over.

"Yes please, dear," Daisy spoke up, looking up from where she'd been twisting her hands in her lap.

"Me too, thanks," said Jack, a slightly worried look on his face. Wonder what thats all about.

I headed off into the kitchen, the Master right behind me. I turned to face him as he closed the door. "We need to get them out of here as soon as possible. Any suggestions?" I asked hopefully.

He stepped closer, his hands coming to rest on my cheeks. "I wish there was something I could do to help, but it's your family and I wouldn't want to step on any toes," he said softly, his eyes full of warmth.

I frowned. What was I to do now? "But-" He put his hand over my mouth to silence me.

"Ssshhh," he said. " I told you your cousin was creepy and to be careful. I'm sorry but I can't fix this," he whispered. Then he turned away from me and ran his hands through his hair in frustration. The pain was clear in his voice when he spoke "I can't help you," he whispered hoarsely.

I found my voice. "Right. Well then, you can just help me make the coffee," I finished with a thoroughly fake smile, practicing for when I re-entered the lounge room.

He nodded. We made the coffee in silence, with me popping my head into the lounge room to check that I had the ways everyone took their coffee correct. Every hostess's worst nightmare.

I wished I didn't have to return to the deadly silent room, almost wishing instead that they were yelling and throwing things at each other.

I breathed in deeply to calm myself, feeling the Master's arms wrap around my waist from behind. He destroyed my composure, but I felt so much better now with his warmth pressed to my back.

Then I stepped out of his arms and he let me go, and I pushed open the door to return to the wolves waiting on the other side.

Lacey looked upset. I couldn't do anything to support her like I usually would. For my own safety, I left her in her own problem, just watching at the back like an observant stalker. What? dealing with Justin was enough, but universally being know as the girl who met Matt Smith in that guy's obsessional whovian brain... would suck.

Verbal diarrhea has underestimated abilities to ruin people's lives! Maybe that's why they call it verbal diarrhea, and not a verbal spectrum... I dunno! Excuse me for seeing the odds.

Blurting out words must be very depressing. Hah, says the girl who spent the majority of her high school years blurting out embarrassing things in front of everyone, so everyone would turn to look.

I hand Lacey her coffee, giving her the kindest smile I could manage. Her eyes pleaded for help, and I wanted to see her happy. But how?

She was stuck in quicksand and all I was doing was watching her sink.

I handed out the rest of the coffees, then sat down on the couch next to the Doctor, leaving room for the Master to sit next to me.

"So how's nursing going?" I asked the Doctor, to further validate the info I'd given earlier to help Lacey out. I forgot the Doctor knew nothing about nursing.

"Oh, its good thanks," he replied warmly.

The Master's arm rested on the couch behind me, so I leaned into it, needing every bit of comfort I could draw from him.

"So where do you work as a nurse?" Daisy asked, trying to be polite, not realising she was amplifying the problem.

"Mum, he doesn't work as a nurse! He's Matt Smith!" Justin interrupted. I wanted to punch him across the face, and kick him in other more painful regions.

"Not that Matt Smith!" I said sharply, my hands clenching into fists at my sides. The Master rubbed my back in a pitiful attempt to calm me down.

"Perhaps we should be heading off?" Jack questioned his wife, plonking down his empty coffee glass.

"Yes, perhaps we should, dear," Daisy replied, also putting down her half empty coffee glass. "Justin darling?"

"Yes mum?" he said, looking up from sipping his coffee innocently.

"We're leaving," she stated more harshly. "Thank you for having us, dear. We had a lovely time," she directed at me, her voice softer, almost cooing.

"That's quite alright," I said, getting to my feet, feeling the Master stand behind me. I bent to collect the coffee mugs from the coffee table, following Daisy in the direction of the kitchen.

I dumped the mugs in the sink, continuing on to the front door behind Daisy. She turned to hug me goodbye, kissing my cheek, probably leaving a lipstick stain the way my mother always had. Jack gave me a massive bear hug as well, squeezing the breath out of me.

Justin emerged from the hallway, his eyes on his feet, mumbling to himself. "Bye, Justin," I said fake cheerfully.

He looked up, surprised. "Bye," he said distractedly.

Then they all trudged out the door and I waved them off till they were out of sight. I closed the door, falling back against it, sighing in exhaustion.

"Foot massage?" the Master asked with raised eyebrows.

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