A Missing Rose

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I approached the statue slowly. As I came closer to it, the figure became more identifiable. It was an angel statue... The type one would find guarding the graveyards and such, weeping. Though I had an immense love of angels, I never bothered to go near these types of angels. Angels don't cry... And there was nothing to be sad about here. Not really, anyway.

"You are the Doctor's companion," I heard a voice. I didn't realise I was so close to the statue. Wait... Was that the SAME statue? It was looking at me with it's arms outstretched, clasping at a glowing white sphere thing.

"I'm not his companion," I murmured, finding my eyes dry up for no reason. What the fuck? Why did I not want to blink? I just stared at the glowing ball.

"You are the Doctor's companion. He will come for you," I watched as the ball lit up every time the voice spoke.

"Listen to me, I'M NOT HIS COMPANION!" I felt stupid yelling at the statue. The once Weeping Angel statue.

"You must know where he is," the voice changed to be more 'collected'.

"I'll be honest with you, angel statue, since you haven't taken me back in time because I've JUST REALISED you're a weeping angel with a translator sphere. Did you get that from an Ood? Since when?"

"You must know where he is," the Weeping Angel repeated.

"Just follow the TARDIS's trail. The Doctor is an idiot, he doesn't realise wherever he goes he leaves holes in time. And you know that, statue." I sighed, kicking the dirt under my feet.

"Why are you helping me?" The angel asked. It was monotonous, but for some reason felt sympathetic.

I found myself shrugging and briefly looking across the sky.

"Because I'm done with this crap. My best friend has the guy of her dreams and my hero is the antagonist. I just don't care." I shrugged, then walked away from the statue. I don't care if the angel sent me back in time... Heck, after all that has been going on, I'd like to be! I trudged back inside my house, greeted by Dilly, who buzzed worryingly around me.

"Dilly," I asked the fae. "Do you regret coming here?"

The little fae buzzed around me annoyingly.

"No!" Her tiny voice squeaked.

"You're the only person to not run from me," I felt Dilly hug my cheek as I sighe, twiddling my thumbs. "And slowly learning English isn't good for you. I can't understand your singing, but don't change, OK?"

I looked up from my hands, shrieking when I saw the statue before me.

"The Doctor is here," the voice became aggravated, "THE DOCTOR IS HERE."

The face of the angel turned terrifying.

"You bloody right, I'm here!" the Doctor grabbed me and I found myself falling backwards.

I slid into the TARDIS, panting loudly at the memory of the weeping angel's face.

"Lacey..." the Doctor hummed as I hugged my legs and cried. "No, no, don't cry. Please."

"Why not!" I bellowed, feeling my hands tense up.

"Because the angel will take your body and you'll become one of them." He sighed. I stopped crying completely, noting some connotations in his words.

"You think I'm an angel?" I titled my head to the side. "Did you hit your head again? How did you know what was going on?"

"The TARDIS brought me here. I think she had the trip to your house pathed out or something... But she wouldn't let me leave! I was about to go visit that new planet you humans have been raving about."

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