That Stowaway Feeling

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"The Minaces fae are gone," the Doctor breathed heavily. We were standing beside the TARDIS, our mouths working faster than our thoughts.

"Oh my God," I coughed to catch my breath. "Those things chased us back to the TARDIS! Crap!"

"Dilly, are there any more fae around?" The Doctor asked the pretty little faerie. Dilly shook her head, exclaiming happily with her hands.

"We have to go!" The Doctor yelled when we were both startled by a loud noise.

I sat down at the bottom of the TARDIS, whistling annoyingly.

"Where are they?" I muttered to myself, admiring Dilly's red glow in the evening light.

"We have to leave you, Dilly," Doctor frowned. The fae sung a melodic song that brought across her sadness.

Her song made me upset. I didn't want to leave Dilly, especially when she was so hurt by me leaving. I got so attached to her it was unbelievable; but hey. Friendships work that way.

I walked into the TARDIS with my head hung low. Doctor chuckled, running around the control room, ready to leave.

"The Master has Rubie, don't panic," Doctor said in a punch line-sort-of tone. I gasped, totally remembering- I forgot!

Holy shit, how could I forget about Rubie?!

I laughed embarrassingly, feeling my heart jump when the Doctor had a kind smile. Wait... A kind smile? From Anti-Eleven? Since when?

Right... Dilly the Diliges fae.

She wasn't even here! But that was just my feeling towards the Doctor reflecting on me... Surely the Doctor didn't feel the same way?

"Doctor," I asked, as we sat down on the little lounge. "Dilly isn't affecting you at all, is she?"

The Doctor stared at me meaningfully, with his eyes opening up a whole new world. He looked as if he wanted to lie but tell the truth, and cover that with an additional tale. I looked away from him but caught glimpses.

"Firstly, Dilly isn't here. Secondly, you can't make me admit it," he crossed his arms and turned away from me. I laughed, shaking my head to his bitterness.

"I didn't want you to, Doctor. Our relationship is strictly professional," I turned back to him, almost jumping back when he was in my face.

"Says who?" He had that devilish grin on his lips. I straightened my hunched back, sitting him back down.

"Away from us..." I let my voice disappear.

"-let's talk about the Master! And his lover Rubie, of course. What a pair they are; hugs and stares and holding hands." The Doctor interrupted rudely. I shrugged mentally.

"They're cute together," I shrugged for real now. The Doctor went silent.

Then I thought understood. Did Doctor like Rubie?

My mouth opened, but nothing except air escaped it. My mind wouldn't help me through my thoughts, and my heart was hyperventilating from stress and confusion. Was the Doctor just tagging me along, for the jewels?

"Why didn't you tell me you liked her. I wouldn't have spent all my time on you're fucking..." I swore, feeling tears dwell up in my eyes. The Doctor's face cringed up, perplexed and upset.

"I don't like Rubie, if that's what you're getting to. I was thinking about the Master liking you." Doctor shuttered. I spat out a stupid, hoggish laugh.

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