Family of Blood

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*Rubie's POV*

I woke to the sound of my doctor who theme ringtone blaring out in the silence of my- wait, this isn't my bedroom! I swiped my phone from where it lay next to me on an end table, answering it without checking the caller id.

"Hello?" I asked, sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh hey Rubie, sorry if I woke you, is it ok if we pop by for lunch today? We don't want to be a bother or anything, but we're heading over your way and we thought we might pop in for a visit?" My auntie Daisy asked me, sounding anxious. I pictured her twisting her be-ringed hands into knots on the other end of the line as she held her iPhone to her ear.

"No, no that's fine," I reassured her. "I haven't seen you guys in ages anyway, it'll be good to catch up," I added politely.

"Oh good!" she sighed. "You still live at the same place, don't you?" she asked anxiously again.

"Yup," I answered. "Do you remember the way here?"

"No, but we'll just use the sat-nav,"

"If you don't mind me asking, how many of you are coming over today?" I asked, fully in organiser mode now as I thought of what to make and all the things I would need. A trip to the shops was definitely warranted for this occasion.

"Oh, just me, Jack, and Justin. Don't worry about doing anything too fancy, it's short notice after all!" she laughs nervously and I join her, just to make her feel better.

"Ok, I'll see you in- how long?" I finish lamely. So much for super organiser.

"Oh. We'll be there around twelve-ish, see you there!" she finishes cheerily.

"Thanks!" I say. Then I hang up.

Well then. I get up, stretch my arms up over my head, subsequently realising I'm in the same clothes I wore yesterday. And I'm still in the Sidrat, but there's no sign of the Master whatsoever. Maybe he went somewhere? He can't possibly spend all of his time here, can he?

I pull my hair back into a messy pony tail with the hair tie I always keep on my right wrist, spinning around as I search for my shoes. Where on Earth did I take them off yesterday? I honestly can't remember. I shrug, and head off in the direction of the front of the shop, meandering along in the zombie style I always do when I've just woken up.

I'm focusing on my feet, so I don't see where I'm going when I bump into a hard chest. Arms come around me to steady me on my feet and at the familiar scent that engulfs me I fall into the Master's arms. "I've really got to stop doing that" I think to myself. He may be a time lord, but he's still just a man, technically. Not a god.

I feel his chest rumble as he laughs. "You're going to have to work on your balance around me, you know. I mean, I know I'm just so sexy, but you don't have to stumble all over the place just to get my attention!" he says sarcastically.

I push myself out of his arms, slapping him hard on his upper arm. "Stop it, I don't have time for this! My family's coming over and I don't know what to do!" I scream, hyperventilating as my hands tangle in my already crazy-knotty hair.

"I could help you?" he asks for permission, his expression so cute it makes me smile on the inside.

I wander around him, my hands on my hips as I muse aloud "I suppose I could make hamburgers? Or sausages? Chicken, maybe?"

"Definitely hamburgers," the Master said softly.

"I wasn't talking to you!" I snapped as I spun around to face him.

"Well, who were you talking to then?" he asked, laughing.

"Me, silly!" I said throwing my hands up in the air to express my point. How could he not know that already? Oh yeah, he hasn't known me long enough.

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