The Castle of Trenzalore

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I'm still alone here on this rock of a planet. Goldy and I made it to the Castle last night, where he showed me to my chambers. He's quite nice actually. You know, for a Cyberman. Even this place is nice, though the lighting is a bit dim. The sun only stays up for a couple of minutes per day here, so I guess they try to keep a tight handle on the electricity they use. Wouldn't want to run out.

I haven't heard from the Master. Don't know why I thought he might come for me, maybe even just pop in for a visit if he doesn't want to join the Alliance. Maybe even lead the troops into battle against the Doctor.

Everyone here is preparing for it. It's all they talk about. Doctor this, Doctor that. Gets a bit boring after a while.

All they do is train. Incessantly train on important things like recognizing when you're being fooled by psychic paper. How to prevent against the sonic screwdriver and the Tardis landing where you don't want it to.

I over heard the Cyber Controller yesterday discussing how to use these things against the Doctor, like making sure the Doctor can only land in certain places and then making it into a trap for him. It's quite a clever idea, but it could quite easily go wrong. Putting the Doctor in a trap is never a good idea, as he'll always find a way out of it, often at the expense of others.

I know the Cyber Controller won't listen to me though, so I work on my dastardly plans in secret. Hidden in my room I have all the privacy I need to work unaided. Eventually I will approach someone who will hopefully help me implement my ideas.

I launch to my feet from where I've been sitting in my thinking chair. Look at the time, Goldy will be here to see me soon!! He comes to see me everyday, check on my welfare and stuff. It used to get up my nose, but now I'm used to it. Used to him and his stiff manners.

Aaand there he is knocking at the door when I've told him he can just walk in if he wants to. I'm normally dressed by now, and if I'm not and I hear someone come in I yell my arse off at them. Easy enough to figure out. Even for a cyberman.

"Come in!" I yell at him. Damn frustrating man.

The door creaks open to reveal not Cyber Mead but the Cyber Controller. Huh. Well that was unexpected. What would he even be doing here? Especially after he made that crack about having to see more important people than me.

"I believe you wished to speak with me," he doesn't even ask, the power hungry bastard. Just states and assumes that I'll follow along blindly. Not bloody likely, mister.

With raised eyebrows I let loose the full power of my sass. If he can handle me, then he'll be worthy of my respect.

"And who did you hear that from," I turn my back on him. Not because I trust him, but because I want to diminish his sense of power in this situation. Who said I didn't know anything about conflict?

"A little bird. I believe you have some war plans you've been working on that I would quite like to see, if that's alright with you? We need all the help we can get to defeat the Doctor and his companions," that's right old man, you'd better grovel. Wait, companions plural? Either the Doctor's been recruiting or there's something fishy going on. I wouldn't put it past him to do somethig truly dishonourable to his ex companions, the horrid man. I don't know what Lacey sees in him.

I don't turn round. He hasn't worked nearly hard enough for this yet. I will show him, of course, eventually. But only if I'm satisfied with the amount he begs me first.

"Please? I'm begging you, Rubie. I'm on my knees!" I know he's not, I can see him in the reflection of the glass window.

"Now you're mocking me," I quote back. Wonder where I got that one from? Sometimes with me, I know I'm quoting something, but forget what.

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