The Arival

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Eren's POV

I stare at the worn carpet in the hut, waiting for the leader to begin the meeting. People keep coming over and asking if I want to sit with them. I don't care about friends here. I just like to get on with what we're supposed to do with no interruptions.

"Eren!" A voice cries out. Armin. I watch as the blonde boy stumbles his way through the small crowds of people to sit next to me. Armin is my only actual friend. We met around 10 years ago when we were both 6. Since then we have hung out at school and wherever I want to go. Armin starts excitedly babbling about this new boy that's supposed to be joining. I am only half listening.
"Hey Eren, maybe this new kid will be a looker!" Armin announced in his loud way.
"Shut up!" I say quickly and forcefully, glancing around to check that no one else had heard. They all seemed too interested in their own conversations to have been listening to ours.
"What? Oh, sorry Eren, I thought you were passed the feeling judged stage by now." He teased.
"You know I hate you right."
"Aw come on, it was just a joke to cheer you up a bit." He moaned. I kicked him on the shin.
"OUCH! Eren that freaking hurt!" Armin yelped just as a raven haired boy came in following the Leader.

"SILENCE!" The leader Erwin boomed. " I would like to introduce you to Levi, Levi Ackerman. he will be joining our group and I hope that you make him very welcome."

I opened my eyes wide, damn this guy was hot! Armin smirked at me and whispered under his breath:
"So, are you ready to take back that shin kick?" I took aim and punched him right in the nose.
"EREN!" Erwin shouted "MY OFFICE NOW!"

I walked up to the front, turned to look at Armin and mouthed:
"No, not yet." Before walking quickly into the office.

A/N hi hi, I hope that this chapter was a little bit longer then my last. I also hope that you enjoyed reading it. If not then maybe write a comment or something telling me what I could do to improve. anyways, bai bai.

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