Spending time with him

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Levi's POV

Eren let go of me after about 10 minutes. I didn't want him to but I guessed it might be weird for us to continue. He was quiet for a few moments before asking,
"Do you want to talk about it?" I paused for a few seconds, trying to decide on an answer. I settled for yes and nodded my head. He waited whilst I tried to form what I was going to say into proper words. At the moment they were just a jumble of confused feelings. I let it go (don't you dare) and all of my feelings came out in a rush. I had to repeat some parts for clarity but other than that he seemed to understand. We were both silent again for another 2 minutes or so.
"Why don't you stay at mine for a bit, you've been through a lot." He said in his usual gentle tone.
"Okay. J-just don't let my dad see me when we cross the street." I plead. He agreed and helped me to stand up. I could tell that I was in bad shape, I knew he could see it too.
"I'll clean you up when we get home." He said simply. I could only agree.

Later on we were both in his bedroom just talking about random things like Attack On Titan or general anime. It was nice not having to worry about being judged by someone else. I was enjoying it. The clock struck 23:00 and Eren finally got under the covers whilst I snuggled down into my sleeping bag. His parents had been understanding although slightly worried about me. I had had to tell them that my dad was just having an off day and it would be fine. There was no way anyone would be able to believe that lie, but Eren's parents had let it slide. I woke up at 2am sweating and cold. I felt Eren's hand on my chest calm me down. Slowly my eyes closed and I returned to oblivion.

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