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A/N hi hi, been a while huh? I could come out with a whole spiel of excuses but you probably don't want to hear them so I won't bother. What I will say is.....(get ready).....TYSM FOR 230 READS! Anyways, moving on with the story.

Levi's POV

I rubbed my eyes, unable to get rid of the blurry mist that hung in front of them. Four grey walls stood around me lined with all kinds of tools. I gulped and tried to sit up. My head was throbbing but not as badly as my heart. After about 8 minutes of foggy confusion I began to see things a lot more clearly. To be honest I would have preferred if I hadn't. Whips, chains, handcuffs, ropes, the whole lot was there. I wondered if I'd entered some kind of 50 shades of grey realm. The thought terrified me.

The large metal door opposite me opened, creating a clunking of bolts and locks. A man entered. I looked up in surprise.

He chuckled, his eyes no longer creased and happy, but narrowed and pure evil.
"I see our sleeping prince has awoken." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm."I hope your journey wasn't too rough, your father never was gentle" I growled and turned away from him.

"That is considered rude in our guild, I suggest you amend your ways."

"Guild?" I asked, still unsure of what to make of this place. He shook his head and turned his attention to the variety of tools on the rack next to him.

"All in good time Levi, but first a beating." Erwin chuckled once more and reached for a whip. "Look, I'll even add a metal tip, just for you."

I squeezed my fists together and waited for the first crack of the weapon. I didn't care. He could hurt me all he liked but I'd never react, not as long as I had Eren in my mind. Not as long as there was still oxygen in my body.

* several hours later*

Everything hurt, my back, hips, arms, feet, even parts of  the body that I didn't know existed. Erwin was glistening with sweat and smiling, teeth bared in a snarl. He must have realised that it would take more than that to crack me. Something toppled over outside in the corridor. Erwin's eyes lit up and he walked towards the door, opening it a little. I peeked from behind his shoulder. Eren. I tried to make a noise but my throat was raw from the lack of water I'd had. That and the fact that my mouth was gagged. Erwin turned, leaving the door ajar. I didn't realise what he was up to. He grabbed my head suddenly and pulled me forward. I expected him to punch or hit me but instead he did something much more surprising.

The fool kissed me. At that exact moment Eren burst through the door to see Erwin sucking my face off. I pulled away and leapt at him but he slammed the door. I could hear his footsteps down the corridor, followed by the sudden thud, probably another member grabbing him. I kicked and punched all my worth but it didn't achieve anything. Erwin took hold off my neck and injected me with some sort of drug. My vision wavered and then blacked out.

A/N wow... I didn't even plan that, it just happened. Imagination is scary. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed that some what disturbing chapter and I will be back soon *hopefully* bai bai for now

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