Heading Home

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Levi's POV

The same boy who had been yelled at came up to me. I could tell he was trying to involve me in small talk but I wasn't interested. I only tuned back into what he was saying when he asked me a question.
"Are your parents late then?" Eren asked. I watched as he blushed and seemed to mentally kick himself. Cute.
"No, their not picking me up." I replied half angrily. Why send me to this geek club if they can't be bothered to come and collect me afterwards?
"Oh, so who is picking you up?" He asked, obviously confused.
"No one." I say, "Erwin has agreed to drop me home."
"Same! We can be car buddies!" The brat exclaimed and then went beetroot. I ignored his final comment and turned away, waiting for Erwin to come out of his office.

*le magical time skip sponsored by Jean*

I opened the door to my house, not bothering to wave or thank Erwin. I could hear the yelling from outside so I wouldn't be suprised if he could hear it too. I stepped into the house, thus entering a screaming match.
"WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS BLAME ME?" My mum yelled at the departing figure of my father as he rushed out of the door past me and into the night.
I sighed and trudged upstairs to bed, not expecting to be asked for a detailed account of my time at geek club. I was right.

A/N hi hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Apologies if I made any mistakes. bai bai

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