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Sorry guys it's been a while, I'd no idea that I'd been gone for a whole month! Anyways, this is the final chapter of  'Better than a badge' enjoy :)

Levi's POV
I could hear the sound of sirens, which seemed to be coming from a few streets away from my own. Eventually I tuned them out with music and relaxed on my bedroom floor. My thoughts drifted to Eren and what he might be up to. I hoped that Erwin wasn't doing anything too much risky to him. I didn't even want to think about that side of things.

A sudden sound lifted me from my thoughts and I turned my attention to the window opposite me. I watched carefully as a small pebble flew with pin point accuracy at my window, bouncing off delicately. Slowly, I got to my feet and went to investigate. I opened my window and stared down at the beautiful sight that was Eren grinning up at me. He threw another pebble which I caught in my hand.
"Fancy seeing you here!" He called and I rushed downstairs, avoiding my mother's confused glances. My father had vanished and was nowhere to be seen. Thankfully.

I pulled open the door and threw myself at Eren who was surprised but somehow managed to keep me from falling over. I clutched his face between my hands and kissed his nose lightly.
"You my friend, are a genius." Eren blushed and began to apologise for everything that had happened. I stopped his wave of apologies by putting my finger to his lips.
"You're not the one who should be saying sorry, Erwin is. And his little gang of pervs." Eren blushed and grabbed my hand tightly.
"We need to tell my mum and the police about what happened." I nodded as we both turned, ready to cross over the road and explain things to Eren's mum.

-time skip because I wasn't sure what to write (sorry)-

The police officer scribbled down some notes and then made us repeat parts of my kidnapping again. We made sure not to leave out any details, however embarrassing they might be. Finally we were told that we could go. It was agreed that I would stay at Eren's for a while until things with my mum were sorted out. Mikasa stared hard at me for a good 5 minutes before speaking.
"Don't do anything stupid." We both went bright red at what she might be referring to and started spluttering. She gave us a small smile before returning to her usual stoic gaze.

Later that night Eren tapped me on the shoulder and beckoned for me to go over to his bed (we were sharing a room).
"I was cold." He grinned cheekily and I pretended to swat his ear. I didn't mind really though. We both lay there together, reliving our adventures so far, cringing at some moments and laughing at others. Eren looked at me right in the eyes and smiled a proper and genuine smile. I frowned, evidently confused.
"What?" He shook his head, still smiling.
"Nothing, it's just that I can't believe this all started at Rangers. Or should I say, with a badge." I looked thoughtful for a minute or two.
"True, but guess what..."
"What?" Eren asked.
"You are better than a badge." He leant his head on my shoulder and looked up at me through his fringe shyly.

"So are you."

A/N wowza. I've actually finished my first ever Ereri fan fic. I never thought I would. This is going to be immensely cheesy but it is the truth: I couldn't have done it without all of you. The fact that I had this many reads is what kept me going. The comments that some of you left were great too. So thank you all so much for coming on this strange but wonderful rollercoaster with me. One final message is that there WILL NOT be a sequel because I wouldn't know what to write and I think this is good as just a single book. Apologies if you had wanted one. Anyways, I'll see you guys round, perhaps in another story.

Thanks once again-
Louise :)

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