First Day

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Levi's POV

I stood outside of the main school building unsure of where to go and just generally trying out my blending in talent. So far it seemed to be working. I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around suddenly to find myself looking up at Eren the boy from geek club. He grinned at me and I felt myself trying not to smirk too.
"Hi, you looked a little lost." He said, obviously trying not to laugh. I scowled.
"Whatever brat, can you just help me?" I muttered. He started giving me directions to my classes but I wasn't paying much attention to him. I was just staring at him, trying to grasp this thought about him. I couldn't quite get at it.
"You got that?" He asked me.
"Nope." I said coolly, not wanting him to know that I was panicking about not getting to lesson on time. I watched as he rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm.
"It doesn't matter you've got all your lessons with me." I smiled at that. Good.

He lead me into and art class and gestured that I should sit down. I rolled my eyes at him. Did he think I was three? The teacher didn't mention that I was a new student which I was glad about. I didn't want to have to talk about my life and pretend everything was okay. I was given a notebook and told to start drawing anything that came into my mind. I wanted to draw Eren's eyes just to see if I could get the colours right but that might be seen as freaky. Instead I watched him draw for a little bit, waiting for inspiration to hit me. Nothing. The brat seemed to be drawing a creature. It looked like a large human due to the fact that he had a stick figure next to representing the average sized man. I averted my eyes and started to draw The Devil. Whilst I drew I hummed The Emperors New Clothes by Panic! At the disco. I was just getting to the chorus when the brat interrupted me.

"That's good Levi." He said, smiling encouragement at me. I blushed at him saying my name. It sounded cool on his tongue.
"T-thanks." I stuttered and then turned my head away. Trying to look lost in my work. I glanced at his drawing and gasped.
"Are they from Attack On Titan?" I asked only just realising what he was drawing. He nodded.
" I was named after the main character." He said proudly. My eyes widened with surprise.
" I was named after the Corporal." We both grinned and carried on drawing. I was happy that I got to know a little bit more about Eren and his interests.

A/N hi hi, I was wondering two things. 1. Would you like a Levi and Eren convo at either the beginning or end of my story to jazz things up a bit (I know other people do this and was wondering if I should give it a go). 2. I don't know how many people there are reading this but do you want me to call you something? Some people call their fans Potatoes or something like that. Idk just the musings ofm

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