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Levi's POV

I opened my eyes again for the 8th time and stared dismally at the grey walls that were still there. Nope, this wasn't just a really horrible dream. It had been a couple of hours since I had seen either Erwin or Eren. I couldn't believe that Erwin had kissed me. Did he like me really or was he just trying to break me and Eren apart. I wasn't sure which was worse.

The metal doors thudded open suddenly sending my chair flying backwards. I watched with caution as familiar blonde hair entered the room. Erwin had arrived. He smirked and leant down pulling the chair upright. I scowled, I was in no mood for his games. I peeked around his broad shoulders to see if Eren was with him. An empty void hung in the space behind. No one else was with us. Great.

"So lover boy, how did you like the kiss?" I heard Erwin ask.

"Why did you do it?" I snarled in anger, "how could you do that to Eren?"

He chuckled silently to himself. "Oh don't worry about the kiss, I just wanted Eren to feel abandoned. As soon as he has woken up, I am going to play some mind games on him." I frowned, what did that mean? He must have seen my questioning look because he chuckled again.

"Aha, so you don't know what I mean, allow me to explain. This was never about you, I just needed an excuse for Eren to be easily captured. His house is like a fortress after all. I knew the second that he arrived at the scout hut I wanted him for myself. Of course you had to come along," he spat, directing his saliva at me. "Luckily I know the right people and they had plenty of ideas on how to dispose of you. They don't mind gays, they just don't like annoying brats who get in my way."

I stared at him stunned. He liked Eren? Suddenly all of the energy that I had been lacking burst up out of nowhere and without me even realising what I was doing, I had launched myself at him, the chair I was on battering against my legs. His accomplices appeared out of nowhere, forcing me away. Erwin seemed unfazed by my outburst and instead whispered to a bodyguard. The man nodded and signalled to the men holding onto my chair. They untied me, making sure to grab hold of me tightly and frogmarched me down the corridor into a room. The room was split in half by glass, two chairs on one side one on the other. They shoved me into the singular chair and bound my hands and legs again with thick rope.

I waited for ages before anything happened. The door opened and in came Eren and Erwin. Eren looked dazed and confused whilst Erwin looked like a cat about to pounce upon the mouse. The two of them were seated but neither of them faced me. I watched carefully as Erwin said a few words to Eren. Slowly Eren nodded at something that Erwin must have said. Erwin then leaned forward and kissed Eren full on the lips. Eren hesitated, then he kissed back.

I flung myself at the glass repeatedly but nothing seemed to get through to either of them. I had been let down. As though my life raft had been cruelly taken from me, and I was now sinking through the waves and into the dark indigo depths. Alone.

A/N hi hi, I hope you enjoyed that chapter (not that there was much to enjoy). This is a bit of a random question but, if any of you watch anime so you have one that you could suggest? I really want to watch something new but I have no ideas and most of the websites I go on don't tell me anything about the storyline. Just leave any suggestions below in the comments. Thanks. Bai bai for now :)

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