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A/N hi hi guys, I have sorted everything out and I think I have a small plan of what I'm doing with this story. Please could you check out my other story which is called "Gangsters don't cry" it would mean a lot to me. Anyways on with the chapter.

Eren's POV

I can't say I wasn't surprised when Levi kissed me. It was magical though. I watched as he eventually leant away from me, needing air. I smiled, trying to reassure him that he did the right thing. Silence flooded the building. Everyone must have left already. It was a good thing that we had both decided we wanted to walk home or Erwin would wondering what the hell had happened to us. I grabbed my coat and stepped outside into the cold, waiting for Levi to follow me. We began our walk down the road.
"Levi," I began, unsure of how to word my question, "why do you feel the need for relief?" He sighed and turned to me.
"Because today is my brother's birthday and death day." I was shocked but tried not to show it. I must have failed because he blushed and then frowned at the ground.
"I knew you'd think it was stupid." He whispered.
"No no no, I was just thinking. I know it must be hard for you but would he want you to hurt yourself for him?" I asked, trying to understand his thoughts. Levi was quiet for a while. I guess I had opened some kind of wormhole in his mind.
"No," he replied eventually, " no he wouldn't, but it's the only way I find sanity." I shook my head.
"Levi, there are better ways then that." He kissed me on the cheek and grinned.
"Don't worry, you're making some of the bad stuff go away." I smiled back and held onto his hand for the rest of the journey.

Back home he was his usual jokey self. Even the thought of having to go back to his own house next week didn't seem to frighten him or make him moody. Maybe everything would be okay. Peaceful. Blissful.

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