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Casey's POV:

Annabelle and Kyle were both rushed into theatre as soon as we made it to the infirmary. They were the only two seriously hurt during the fight with the hunters and it made my blood boil. I should never have sent them alone to get to the safety room. I should've realised it was too far away and locked her in our room which was closer and kept the hunters away from the house. I should've sent back up with them. There was so many things I should have and could have done to make sure they were safe and I was fighting with myself about it. It was my fault they were hurt. I'd already let her down.

"Hey man, it's not you're fault. You couldn't have known that they were trying to split us from her." Zed, my beta tried to comfort me but the only thing that was going to stop me blaming myself was if it didn't happen and the only person who could console me was being cut open on an operating table

"I'm supposed to protect her Zed. I promised her that she would be safe here. I sent them off on their owns without any back up. I should've known that they wouldn't be safe on their own" I growled out.

Zed sighed. "They are going to be okay. Your brother is a brilliant doctor. He won't let you loose them"

"I need to interview that hunter that we caught. I need to know who they were working for" I stood up and was about to leave when Zed stood in my way.

"I'll do that. You need to stay here for when she wakes up. She's going to be confused and upset and will have a lot of questions. She needs you"

I sighed but eventually nodded. He was right. She needed me now more than ever. She didn't know many people in the pack and would probably be panicked when she woke up. I remembered her talking to me about her fear of hospitals.

Three hours passed by extremely slowly and I was getting impatient and worried. Why was it taking so long? Was she even more hurt then we had originally thought?

"Alpha?" I was pulled from my thoughts by one of the nurses. I gave her my full attention hoping she had news about Kyle and Annabelle. "Would you please follow me?"

That wasn't what I was expecting. Were they okay? I started to panic slightly. I couldn't loose either of them, they both meant so much to me.

I followed the nurse into my brothers office. "Hey Nick, Is Annabelle alright? And Kyle, is he?" I didn't even give the guy time to speak before I started firing questions at him.

"Brother, sit down and let me catch my breath will you?" He joked slightly but I wasn't really in the mood for laughing. "Annabelle is okay. The bullets were a mixture of wolf bane and silver so she is weak and will probably take a few weeks to heal. But she is going to be alright. Kyle should be okay too but he's going to take a lot longer to heal "

I sat up straighter in my seat. "What do you mean?" 

"Kyle was shot twice so the amount of silver and wolfbane in his body was doubled. He's going to be disconnected from his wolf for quite a while and there's no telling how long it will take hime to heal. The chances are that he'll be off duty for at least a month" Nick sighed.


"This is my fault" Annabelle cried. "If I had just listened to you and we ran we might have been able to make it"

I sighed and shook my head. "Belle if you did keep running you both could've been killed. You made the right choice and you fought well" I ran my hand through her hair,trying to calm her.

"Not well enough though" She growled at herself.

"Belle. You did amazing. It was your first real fight and you got both of you out, alive. That's an incredible achievement." 

"Can we all just stop blaming each other and realise the only ones at fault here are the hunters" Kyle sighed. His and Annabelle's beds were next to each other, as requested by Annabelle. "Guys things happen. This-" He gestured to himself. "-wasn't either of our faults. Okay?"

"Fine" "Okay" we both grumbled.

"Get some rest you two. I'm going to find out some more information about what happened" I kissed Belle's forehead and helped her get comfortable before heading to my office.

I sat down and slammed my head down on the desk in frustration. "Ouch" I mumbled.

"Careful you need those brain cells " Zed chuckled, sitting in one of the chairs opposite me.

"What did you get out of him?" I asked, pulling my head up and sitting up in my chair.

"Well he wasn't very eager to talk so we didn't get everything but we have enough to understand what is happening. The hunters were sent by Annabelle's old pack" he frowned as he said it.

"What the hell?! Why?" I was shocked to say the least. I knew how much that pack loved Annabelle so why would they send hunters after her?

"We think it was Callum. He is the new Alpha now so he would be sending out the orders." Zed explained, seeming just as confused as I was.

"This doesn't make any sense. I need to talk to Annabelle. She might know what this is about. Perhaps they had some tension between them because they weren't blood related" I guessed. I had no idea what was going on though.

"I'm going to see that rogue myself. He might not answer to you but he damn well better answer to me"

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