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Annabelle's POV

My heart pained to see such a strong alpha crying with his head on my shoulder. It bought tears to my own eyes and a few fell but I reminded myself to be strong for him. I wanted to take his pain away but I couldn't do that. All I could do was make sure the person responsable paid for it and he sure as hell would.

When his body eventually stopped shaking with sobs, Casey pulled away and avoided my eyes. I sighed and gently held his chin in between my finger and thumb and with my other hand wiped away his tears. "It's alright to cry, my love" I whispered, gently.

A few more tears rolled down his face but I wiped them away. I pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he pulled me into his lap. I kissed him gently and he responded with the same gentleness and passion. When we pulled away we rested our foreheads agaist one another and he sighed.

"I love you so much" He smiled. It didn't quite reach his eyes but I appreciated his gesture.

"I love you too" I smiled back and wrapped my hand around his.

The rest of the day consisted of snuggling into the bed sheets with some movies, some snacks and being wrapped in each others arms. Both of us were relaxed and it was definitely needed after the past days events. We were due to leave the next afternoon to see this witch that Casey spoke of. I was afraid of what was going to come from it but I had faith in Casey to keep us safe and to not put us in danger. I couldn't stop thinking about the strange thing that happened the day before. My body healed itself and it was possibly a gift from the moon goddess. I didn't make any sense. Why would the moon goddess give me a gift?

I was lay on my back starring at the ceiling while Casey was fast asleep with his arm loosely around my waist. My mind just wouldn't be quiet. I was trying to solve things that I knew deep down that I couldn't solve. This witch wouldn't really be able to tell me what it was would she? It could be her setting a trap for all we know. Witches were pretty sneaky beings.

Casey tightened his arm around my waist and opened his eyes to look at me. He frowned. "Hey , what's wrong?" He asked, wiping away tears that I didn't even notice.

I laughed slightly. "Nothing. I'm fine. Go back to sleep" I smiled, but of course he saw straight through it.

He sighed and turned on the lamp and ruffled his hair. "Come on love. Speak to me"

I noticed that it was now 6am and I hadn't slept. I cringed slightly. Today was going to be a long day.

"It's just everything that's happened recently. It's so crazy. I just can't stop thinking about how this is all my fault" I admitted.

His eyes widened. "Annabelle, no. This isn't you're fault. Why would it be your fault?"

I sighed. " Because all I have done is brought trouble to the pack. All of the stuff that has happened recently, happened because I am here. It's all been Callum trying to get me and I just thought that if I wasn't here it would never have happened. Those lives wouldn't have been lost"

Casey sighed and pulled me into a hug. "The only person that is responsible for all of this is Callum. Don't blame yourself. It isn't your fault at all"

Casey sighed and looked at the time. "We should get up. Did you sleep at all?"

I was going to tell him the truth but I thought better of it. He would probably delay the trip again and I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to know what was going on. I nodded. He didn't look convinced but he nodded his head anyway. "Why don't you get a few more hours and I'll sort everything out?" He asked.

I shook my head. "We both need to do this. Besides imagine how it would look to the elders."

We ate breakfast and I made sure to drink plenty of coffee as it was sure as hell needed after not sleeping. Casey gave me an odd look when I reached my third cup and sighed when I had my fith. I shrugged and finished my coffee and went back upstairs to finish getting ready. I walked into the closet and picked out a suede skirt with a white chunky knit sweater, black knee high boots and black and white scarf. I looked at myself in my reflection and grinned. I looked kind of okay. I then directed my attention to my face and shuddered at the appearance of my dark circles.

I pulled out my make up bag and went into the bathroom and sat at the vanity. I did my skin care routine and set to work on covering up the mess of a face that I had. I did some foundation to smooth over my skin and any texture and also to cover up any imperfections that were less prominent then spots. Like red patches for example. I then used concealer under my eyes to cover up the dark circles. I powdered my face so the make up didn't move throughout the day and finished it off by adding some blush, bronzer, eyeliner, mascara and highlighter which added a glow to my face to make me look more alive.

I looked in the mirror to put my hair into a simple pony tail and nearly screamed when I saw someone standing in the middle of the room. "Jesus Christ Casey. You scared the life out of me" I breathed and went back to putting my hair up.

Once I was done Casey grinned and wrapped his arms around me. "You look beautiful" He grinned. I smiled and looked at him in the mirror. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt with black jeans and a leather jacket but he looked incredible in it. "Don't you look dilly scrumptious" I grinned and he chuckled.

He turned me around so I was facing him and pulled my face up to meet his. His eyes danced with lust and he kissed me roughly. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him with all the passion I could muster and poured my love into the kiss. After a while he pulled away from my lips and kissed my neck, sucking on his mark which caused a low moan to escape my lips.

At this exact moment, there was a knock at the door. We both sighed and I giggled. Casey smiled and let me down and fixed his hair which I had been running my hands through. I fixed my hair and clothes and thanked the moon goddess that I had wore make up which was covering up my flushed state. I swung the door open with a grin and it widened when I saw it was Jace. I gave him a hug and frowned when I noticed how stiff he seemed. "Jace what's wrong?" I asked as I stepped away from him. As soon as I was close enough to him, my possessive mate put his arm around me and pulled me into his side.

"It's time to talk about the execution plans" He sighed.

This would be complicated for us because we had to speak about executing his alpha. Jace would have to take over the pack and I wasn't sure if he was ready for that. I sighed. Casey nodded and led us to the conference room where pack elders and other important people in the pack sat around a large oval table.

Me and Casey took our seats at the top of the table and Jace found his seat also. I felt nervous with so many eyes looking at me but I reminded myself not to shy away from it. The elders needed to see I was strong for the pack.

"So we have decided the date and how Alpha Callum Evans is to be executed" One of the elders spoke up when everyone was settled. "Since the Luna ceremony has not yet happened that is our main priority. We will have the Luna ceremony tomorrow when you two get back from this business trip. As for the execution, he will be injected with wolfbane and we will do this whenever you have the time. Do you agree alpha?"

Casey nodded. " I agree with this but I think it should be a private affair. I don't think it is a healthy thing for the pack to see" The elders muttered amongst themselves until finally the guy that spoke before nodded.

"Very well. The only people who will be present will be the elders, the Alpha, Luna and Beta"

"There's also the issue of what is going to happen to his pack." I added. Everyone turned their attention to me.

"I think the best thing for us to do is to join the packs together. Not only will it make us stronger but it will eliminate a potential threat. We put the ones who sided with their alpha on trial and the others, for example my parents and friends, will be automatically accepted once they have proven their loyalty." I explained my plan and whispers travelled around the table until the main elder nodded again.

"Very well"

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