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There was a few things we needed to get done before we went to see this witch so Casey decided to push it back until the following Friday. One of the first things that needed to happen was the funerals for the people we lost in the battle. It saddened me to find out that it was a lot of the young fighters who had only recently graduated from training. Some were as young as sixteen and it broke my heart to think about the family's who lost their sons, brothers, sisters and daughters who were of such a young age.

Unfortunately, because I wasn't officially the Luna of the pack, it was against pack laws for me to be there so I decided to write a speech for Casey to read out at the funeral. All of the funerals were joint together because it saved time and also was the way the warriors wanted to go. They had been together all throughout school, fight school and pretty much they're whole lives. It was only fitting that they were sent off together as well.

It was eight o clock in the evening and I was starring at the blank piece of paper that was in front of me for me to write my speech on. I twisted my pen around in my hand and sighed. I didn't know them so I didn't know what to write. I looked at Jace who was eating his dinner across the island from me and asked him what he would write. He shrugged.

"I would just write from my heart. Write what you would write if it was me or Casey or someone else you loved and then adjust it to fit for the people it is actually for. "

I nodded and made myself a coffee and set to work. I was writing for at least three hours until I was finally happy with what I had written. As I put my pen and notebook away, Casey walked into the kitchen. He gave me a tight smile and went to gab some water and a few grapes from the fridge. He had been arranging the funeral all day, saying he wanted the perfect send off for his pack mates. It made my heart warm at how much of a loving alpha he was. I walked to him, gave him a soft kiss and passed him the letter.

"Tell them I'm sorry"


Casey's POV- At the funeral

I watched the weeping family's walked into the clearing and I looked down with a sigh. It was my fault that they lost their loved ones and I was forever guilty for that. I was their alpha and the orders I gave out always had costs. It was saddening that this was the life of an alpha. The amount of guilt that rested on my shoulders weighed me down at ceremony's such as this one.

I gave them a small welcoming speech knowing that this was hard enough for them:

"Thank you all for joining me today. We are gathered here today to say fare well to the lives we lost in the recent battle. We are gathered to thank them all for their service and to give them the send off they rightfully deserve. May I ask that we hold a minute silence for our fallen" All heads dropped as we all starred at our feet, reflecting on the warriors lives and thanking them for all they had done for our pack.

I didn't know any of them personally but I did watch them in training and knew that they were very respectful and determined people. They weren't our strongest fighters but they were still good people and I remembered the pain I felt when each soul was ripped from us. Being the alpha meant that you were connected to everyone and whenever someone died, you felt a burning sensation from the bond being ripped apart. It wasn't as hurtful as loosing a mate or family member, but it was still an uncomfortable reminder.

After the minute silence, I pulled the piece of paper, that Annabelle had given me, from my suit pocket. I opened the piece of paper and placed it on the stand. "As you all know, your Luna has not been officially accepted as part of the pack yet and therefore could not attend today's ceremony. Instead, she has written a few words and requested that I read them out to you all"

I took a deep breath and starred down at my mates beautiful handwriting.

"Recently, we lost some wonderful souls from our pack. We lost sisters, brothers, sons and daughters who were stolen away from us by a coward who calls himself an alpha. I would like to reassure you all that he will not get away with this and will be sentenced to death once the board have decided how.

Each of the men and women we lost in the recent battle were all incredible people and shall be remembered for their service and their selflessness. They were respectful individuals who fought to their death in order to protect their Alpha, Luna and pack and I am eternally grateful of them.

Issac, Jonathan, Caliana, Joseph, Hunter, Jessica, Ashley, Elijah, Harley, Jason, Hudson, Jack, Bradley, Drake and Kelsy.

All of you so young and talented. I thank you greatly for you honour and your kindness. I wish for you all to rest in entire peace and tranquillity. "

The pack bowed their heads in order to show their respect for their Luna and I sent a mental image of it to Annabelle, knowing that she would be pleased to see it. She thanked me and sent comfort through the bond. I smiled lightly at her gesture and carried on with the ceremony.

The last thing left to do was to burn the bodies. I asked everyone to line the banks of the river and asked my warriors to join me as we walked over the bridge and lined the other side of the river. Me and the warriors each picked up a bow and arrow and lit the end of the arrows. Zed released each of the fifteen wooden boats which were tied to the bank and we each shot at the boat that got to our place. Each of the boats had one of the warriors bodies underneath a blanket which was covered with vibrant flowers. The burning boats travelled down the river and we watched them in silence, apart from the sobbing. Tears stung my eyes but I had to stay strong for the pack.

I dismissed everyone from the funeral and gave them the next two days off of work, knowing that they needed it. I sighed and walked back to the pack house. Their was a solemn feeling surrounding the pack and everyone I passed offered me a small nod of respect. I walked through the doors of the alpha quarters and shrugged out of my jacket and pulled off my tie as I walked through the bedroom door. I threw them in the corner by the door and pulled off my shoes and top. Annabelle waited for me to plop down on the bed and wrapped me in her warm embrace. I gave up holding back the tears and let myself cry in my mates arms.

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