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I felt all the colour drain from my face. No. He can't be. Callum couldn't be the Alpha. I refused to believe it.

"If that is true than we're all in deep shit. That pack especially." I grimaced.

Casey frowned. "Annabelle, what's going on?"

I sighed. I guess there goes my plan of keeping my past with Callum a secret.

"Callum and me aren't exactly the best of siblings. We hate each others guts. When I was adopted he wasn't happy about it and he started to fight with me. For a start my parents knew about it and they thought it was just sibling fighting. They would tell him off for it and it stopped for a while but when he was 16 it started again. It was much worse and it became a daily thing. I think he might be after me to maybe finish what he started" I explained carefully to Casey.

"HE HURT YOU?" he growled, standing up so abruptly the chair fell back and made a loud clatter. I cringed at the loud noise and tried to calm him down.

"Casey, please calm down." I begged.

He growled, his eyes black with fury and swirled around, sending his fist through the wall in rage, creating a hole in it.

"Casey!" I gasped. "Calm down!"

I pulled myself out of the bed and tried to walk over to him while clinging onto the bed to keep my body upright. This caught his attention and he caught me when I nearly fell.

I hugged him and held onto him tightly trying to calm him down and myself. He sighed after a while and his wolf seemed to back down. "I'm sorry" he sighed.

"I think I know how we can solve this" Kyle perked up all of a sudden, I forgot he was sat there.

Casey helped me back onto the bed and sat down himself. "I'm listening" he urged Kyle on.

"We lure him into a trap. Send Annabelle to meet him and make him think he has her, then we'll ambush him. Yes it means using her as bait but we have a strong pack to keep her safe." He suggested.

I nodded. " Kyle is right, that could work. Callum wants me so making him think he has me is the only way around this, to keep everyone safe. I'll go into the forest with some warriors a little further back, we send them in as the trap. Callum can't fight off 18 warriors at once. Especially since he forced his way into being Alpha, he doesn't have the training he needs."

Casey shook his head. " No fucking way. It's too much of a risk. He's an alpha so he could injure some of the warriors and may even injure you Annabelle. And what if he brings his pack and warriors to back him up?" he added.

"Then Jace will tell them to back down. If I contact Jace to let him know of our plan. He will take our side and he will be working on the inside of the pack to get everything sorted and feed the information back to us. Anyway, Callum is too cocky to bring his whole pack to protect him" I added the last bit with an eye roll. He had such an inflated ego.

Casey sighed and appeared to be thinking for a while. "Okay fine but not yet. If we hear anything else from him then we will try this plan but until then we are going to have extra security at the boarders and I'm going to send some spy's to see if we can get any information."

We both nodded and soon enough the nurse came in saying she was there to help me shower and change. That was a very humiliating experience. I had to have help to shower and change clothes. Casey didn't leave when the nurse asked him to which caught my attention. I frowned.

"Is there a problem?" I directed the question to both of them.

"Nope. No problem. Just telling the nurse you won't need to change here tomorrow as you are moving back to our room" he grinned.

"Seriously?" I had gotten so fed up of that stupid hospital ward and I hadn't even been there that long.

He nodded with a smile.

"Thank you" I grinned at him. He left so I could shower and change.


"Come on this is ridiculous" I cried at the console as I was killed yet again by the zombies in the game.

"You really shouldn't play those games. It's bad for you blood pressure and stress levels" Casey scolded me like a child before turning the game off. I pouted at him. He had been talking way to much to his brother and now was acting like my doctor.

"Hey,quit pouting I'm doing this for your own good." He chuckled.

He sat on the bed beside me and pulled me into him. It had been about two weeks since the attack and we hadn't heard anything else from my old pack. This gave me hope that he had backed down.

My leg was healing slowly and my wolf still hadn't made an appearance. I was scared of losing her. It was rare that wolfbane actually separated the human and the wolf but it was possible in some cases. As if reading my mind, Casey rolled his eyes at me.

"She's weak because of the wolfbane and she's using all of her energy to heal you. She's there." He tried to encourage me.

"Well you don't know for sure" I pouted, taking my glasses off and placing them on the nightstand.

"Actually I do know. My wolf has contact with yours." He explained, yet again proving me wrong.


He chuckled and got comfy, signalling for me to do the same. I snuggled up to him with my head resting on his chest and my arm wrapped loosely around him as he wrapped his arm around me too. "Get some sleep sweetie."

I didn't need to be told twice as I snuggled into him and soon enough fell into a peaceful sleep.

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