Chapter Thirty Three

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It all happened in a matter of minutes. One second, I was sitting at an intersection. The next, I wasn't.

The stoplight blinked red just as I pulled up to it. My heart beat wildly in my chest. My breathing was quick. I picked up my phone with a shaky grasp and dialed in a number.

The answer was immediate.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"There has been a car crash at the intersection of Twenty Sixth and Main Street. Please hurry!"

I hung up and glanced at the clock, each tick ringing in my head like thunder.


Was this worth it? Was Sam worth it? Everything in my mind, everything in my heart, screamed yes. Yet everything in my physical being screamed no.


I remembered my life before, dark and lonely. My dad drinking, my mom disappearing, my suicidal thoughts. No friends to help. No lifelines.

I remembered my life after, filled with laughter and happiness. Sam filled me with love. Sam was worth everything. She was everything I wanted and more. She was my world, my life.

I would save her. I would give up everything.



Doubts filled my mind. My body shook. But I had to. I needed to.


I loved her. I did. I always would. I would see her again.

Wishes came true. At least mine would.

I was ready.


"I love you, Sam."

I slammed my foot down on the gas. The light was still red. My tires squealed on the pavement. I saw my target. A large semi truck was parked sideways, nobody inside.

The world was filled with sound as I collided with it, as I went flying through the glass and onto the pavement, as the metal crunched.

Then everything was silent. Silent as I drew my last breath. Silent as I closed my eyes. Silent as the world stopped spinning. Silent as the stars fell. Silent as my heart stopped.

And all I could think as the universe shattered was one simple thought.

I love you, Samantha Jayne White.

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