Chapter Four: Meeting the Distinguisher

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         I'm afraid of what will happen tonight. What if I'll be classified as Upper? or Lower? then what happens? I walked around the room finding where Room 128 was, turns out I was finding the wrong room. I must find Room 218 but still I couldn't find it. So I must take the risk of asking someone where the room is.

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I went into the lobby and found a girl who is sitting on the lobby chairs. She is pretty and very familiar, I wonder where I have seen her. Never mind I'll just ask her. She wears white dress and she has this white hair that no one can resist to look at but what's mysterious about her is she's wearing gloves.

I asked her if she saw Room 218 and she smiled, " Yeah, I saw your room, it's on the third floor left side. My name is Jane Pole and you are?" she said.

I'm happy that this girl has an amicable aura. "I'm Jack Daniel, nice to meet you Jane, see you later at the amphitheater for the separation," I said while waving goodbye and running towards the elevator. I glanced at her for the last time and she's so damn pretty.

                                * * *
I went inside my room and found a boy who is reading a book.
"Hello, you must be Radar Brington." I greeted.

"Yes brother, and you are Jack Daniel." he replied.

This dude is also friendly despite of being a bookworm. I thought he's a loner but I felt comfortable talking to him. We talked about our families. I knew that his ability is to produce wavelengths, any wavelengths including WiFi. Ain't that cool?!

"Jack, Do you think my ability is useful? he asked me.

"Yes! it's cool! But what's the use of WiFi if they won't let us use phones?" I snorted.

"Hadn't you heard that they are giving us special phones? That phones are special because it can be used only within the Dome. We can also use it in internet purposes but only within the school boundaries. We can't use the phone for communication outside because it's signal is enclosed within the Dome only. This phone is just for our communication here." he explained.

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After our chitchat, I went into the shower to take a bath and be ready for the separation. I wear white T-shirt and black pants for tonight.

Afterawhile, there was an announcement that banged the whole campus. "Everyone is now requested to please proceed now in the amphitheater for the separation."

I shoved Radar's arms as we went in the amphitheater and mouthed "Good Luck to us".

"Good Evening Everyone!" greeted by an orderly woman and introduced herself as Madame Perry Gomez.

"You will now meet the distinguisher!" she exclaimed.

Afterawhile, the red curtain that seems enclosing an object is lowered down until we could see a machine which she called as The Distinguisher. It is a machine that looked like a mind reading equipment because of it's helmet that has a lot of electrical wires. Madame Gomez explains how it works like it will let us show our abilities forcedly.

Everyone is ready and then Madame Gomez called out names. First was a boy who looks like a nerd then steps into the Distinguisher and showed his ability which is Teleportation.

"Upper Class!" shouted Madame Gomez.

Another boy stepped to the Distinguisher and he looks very familiar. Oh I remember, he is the chubby boy in the train who ignored me. His ability was Enhanced Hearing which leads him to Upper Class. I also saw Jane and she belonged to the Upper Class because her ability was Ice Generation. A lot of students went on the Distinguisher and they knew where they belong.

Now it's my turn, I stepped in the Distinguisher and put the helmet on, it lead me back home, I saw mom and dad, wines, beverages, drunk men, and I came back in the Dome.

"Telepathy, only in drunk men?" Madame Gomez said and everybody laughs.

It's okay. I'm immune, it's fine. I already knew it, I belong to the Lower Class. Radar also belonged to  the Lower Class together with the teens that have abilities like can summon an imaginary flower, can control the remote control, can talk to animals, can levitate only 2 centimeters and can walk on water.

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"Finally you all knew where you all belong and all your phones are distributed. I'm looking forward of what's gonna happen tomorrow. You must all know the rules here. Remember, rules are rules! See you tommorow." Ms. Gomez informed and went down in the stage.

Jack Daniel's Friends and Their Ridiculously Helpful PowersWhere stories live. Discover now