Chapter Two: Settings Explained

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          As what I have said on Chapter One, we are living in the same place you're living, The Earth, but in a different timeline. I could say that your generation (Generation Z) has passed away many many years ago.

The thing is, our timeline was believed to happen after the happenings of the "Hunger Games" and "Divergent" but before "The Maze Runner" occurrences. But those are just rumors that spread all over the world, I don't even know what are those, what is Divergent or Hunger Games. They say they were just popular folk stories that got inside the the brains of some people, other's said they were true. But who damn cares? Get it? You, the Generation Z are our ancestors.

In this timeline, our society is highly evolved. The leaders in the Regime find ways on how to improve and keep the peace here on earth. They said "Hunger Games" and the "Faction System" are the ways that the Regime tried and failed. Some rumors said that there were lots of systems ago that our Regime tried but then again, they failed. But all of these are still rumors.

Today the Regime found a new system that they believed to embody the peace and improvement image of the society. They call it the "Breakthrough System". We don't know what country we're living today because the Leaders in the Regime chose to erase them, dumped them. One of this days if you buy maps, it only shows the topographical features of the Earth.

A lot of things are changed under the Breakthrough System like what I told you about boarding schools, I mean boarding school because there's only one school for all the teenagers around the world. Once you are entered or recruited by the boarding school, you will break a tie from your family. Know what I mean? You'll forget your parents, your siblings, your grandparents, your aunt, your uncle, your cousins, and anyone that are connected in your family tree. By the time you step in the school, you'll be on your own. You cannot contact your family nor allowed to talk to them. You see pal my world is a blue world.

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You maybe wondering why my parents agreed to the pedagogues who came in our house to sent me in the boarding school, its because that's my parents obligation, its their way of showing respect to the Breakthrough System and to the Regime. All parents must allow their children, who is in the age of 16 to go to the boarding school.

My parents did not told me this. I did not want to go but I am forced to. Now I know why my parents loved me so much, it's because of the fact that I'll be taken away from them when time comes.

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After the day that my mom explained everything about the boarding school to me, she packed everything I needed in the school, my clothes, my favorite toothbrush (which is crazy because I only have one toothbrush but still I call it my favorite) and all of my stuffs.

"Can I keep this one, Jack?" my mom said referring to the miniature bottle of Jack Daniel's that I kept since I was five years old because I'm so glad that my name is written in that bottle. My mom cried. Watching her cry is very suffocating that I couldn't hardly breathe.

"Mom, yes you can keep it. Don't worry I'll be good at school, you'll be proud and one day I'll come back. Promise." I said and went out of the house.

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