Chapter Five: First Day of Class

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         I could not sleep. What happens tomorrow? Why does it need to separate us in two groups? Lately, when Radar was awaked, we talked about the rules. He said that tommorow the rules will be posted in the bulletin board. He is also blank of what's gonna happen tomorrow.

"I am a Lower Class."

The thought scares me. My objective #2 is ruined which is to be a cool kid. Worst case scenario, what if being a Lower class would ruin my entire life! I don't care. I will just play safe and be good. Finally, I fall into a deep slumber.

I had a dream. My mom calls my name while our shop is raided by thieves and my father was killed. I want to run inside the house but I couldn't. There's something blocking me from going inside. It's like a forcefield which makes a wall and I couldn't push it. I'm scared, I cried and ask for help. Radar came and I ask him for help.

"It's time to take a bath, Jack," Radar said and I woke up. Radar is already done taking a bath and he's ready for the first day of class.

"Okay wait for me, I'll take a bath." I said and went into the shower.

                                * * *
When I'm finished, I picked up a black shirt with white printed words, black jeans which I wore last night and shoes, now I'm ready to go.

Radar and I made a deal that we go together and find friends together. So basically, Radar is my first friend in the squad. We stepped out of the Dormitory Building and saw a bunch of students who are looking into one thing.

"It's the bulletin board!" exclaimed Radar.

I did not know what's so special about a bulletin board but suddenly I remembered that the rules are being put in there. We ran towards it and saw a huge LED screen that is placed in the center of the campus. While were about to read what're the writings there, a male voice in the speaker announced.

"It's your first day of class and now you already knew if what class you belong. The rules are in the bulletin board please bear to read. Not following the rules was would be given exact punishments. Today is just your day to find acquaintance and familiarize the whole Dome. Tomorrow is the real part of being here."

So basically, today is just a fun day where we find friends and more. Radar and I continued to read the rules. The rules are divided into two columns. One for Upper Class and the other is for Lower Class.

Upper Class                        Lower Class
- Do not use                         - Do not use
your powers                      your powers
in other                                 in other
students.                               students
- You are not                       - You are not
allowed to                             allowed to
talk or                                     talk or
communicate                    communicate
with the Lower               with the Upper
Class.                                       Class.

There are a lot of rules that is specified there but I think it's all about the school policies and I didn't bother myself to read it.

"What?! We are not allowed to talked to the Upper Classes? This is unfair," Radar snorted.

"It's not unfair, it's fair enough cause they also cannot talk to us," I retort.

I want to ask why, why did the pedagogues made that rule? Maybe they are afraid that the Lower Class will infect the Upper Class with silly powers. Never mind.

                                 * * *
We walked around the school and get our ID's which is a blue wristband and red for the Upper Class. Now we could easily determine Lower Classes from Upper Classes.

"Let start building the squad." Radar whispered.

Yes, I mentioned to him my objectives last night and I guessed he also wanted to do those objectives.

We went on the cafeteria where there are a lot of students. Both classes are present. I ordered lasagna and a chocolate drink. The cafeteria was huge and very clean because of its white paint. While eating, Radar mentioned that we'll find friends with amazing abilities but unfortunately those abilities are in Upper Class.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I got it. There was a message from Mr. James Kruegre.

 "Have a nice day! Enjoy and make friends." I put my pocket and looked to Radar which is also holding his phone. Also everyone in the cafeteria got the message.

"Technology nowadays, it very easy to send group messages." Radar said laughing. I was blown away. About a million students here and we all got the message because of these special phones.
                               * * *
After eating we stayed still on the cafeteria and watched the other students. I knew what's on Radar's mind, to find new friends. We both looked into a boy which has many insects on company. He is a Lower Class and I think his ability has to do with insects. Radar looked at me and made a disgusted face which means a "NO". I laugh and shoved Radar's arms. Then we saw a beautiful girl with a blue wristband.

This is it.

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