Chapter Fifteen: Chased

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         "It's so unfair!" blurted Oil to us. She's referring to the Five Assemblages that the pedagogues made. We are now at Alex because Froye texted us that after the LCM we'll be hanging out here.

"Yes, definitely unfair! They won't let us fight. They won't let us choose what we want," Radar also complained. We are talking about this because when we got here this is what happened.

                                * * *
First to arrived here was me and Eva so we waited for the others until they arrived. We went inside of Alex while Oil can't stop declaiming what happened to her and Radar in their assemblage the Inventorists.

"Our instructor said that I belonged to Inventorists because I can produce oil and they need oil for food and energy. WTH? I can't imagine myself being an Oil Producer Machine," cried Oil.

"They said that I belonged to Inventorists because I can emit WiFi. Maybe, the people or the upper class needed internet connection during the war. For what? For posting pics that has hashtags #war #fight? How intelligent," Radar demanded also until all shared their experience s during LCM.

Froye said the he belonged to Regulators because their instructor said that he can change the mood of the people, from scared to comfortable. I laugh at the thought of people who are having fun during the war. Eva obviously belonged to Administers because aside from the fact that she's a girl, her ability would be a great help for injured upper classes. We waited for Paul who was silent since we arrived here, to say something.

"I guessed you are waiting for me to share. Well, the pedagogues said that I am The Painter. I was also confused why they call me that, what does it mean? I belonged to Fabricators because I can make something old to new by changing it's color," Paul said.

"Into pink? What a pink world well have in the future," Froye joked.

"Maybe I should tell you this, I can now make new colors aside from pink like red, white, blue and so on. It started when Oil kissed me," Paul said while looking Oil in the eyes.

We are all shocked, we looked at Oil questionably who is now blushing and ashamed.

"Yes, It happened yesterday. I kissed Paul when he leaded me my room," Oil said.

"Well, a kiss can produce rainbows into lovers," Radar said giggling.

"Can you show it to us Paul?" I asked.

"What the kiss?" Paul asked.

"No, haha the change color thingy," I answered laughing.

Paul changed the color of his shirt from pink to white. He's very awesome in white. I never thought that I could see Paul in other colors. It's so cool. Now I was wrong, he really does come in handy.

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So that's it, Oil again complained about everything and also the others. If there's a war coming, then we will be fighters not Fabricators, Preceptors, Administers, Inventorists nor Regulators. I see that we are the only Lower Class who felt this way. We never thought that this school is a starter pack for us in the future. I thought a lot of things like what if Mr. Kruegre is a liar? What if there's no upcoming war? What if they are just playing this game to kill us? It felt like a prison in here now. I thought that this school would be great. I want to go back to my family. I thought about the Regime, why did they come up with this idea?

"Guys you are getting way serious, did you forgot about the party?" Eva said delightfully.

Ahyes! The party! Eva was right we are getting way serious and we forgot about our teenage life.

"Yes! We must know where this party will be held," Froye said.

"So how will we do it?" Paul asked while holding Oil's hand. I could see that there are now love birds in the squad.

"We could stalk on the Upper Classes and wait till they talked about the party," Radar suggested.

"Maybe someone posted about it on Bthrougher," Eva said and pulled her phone from her pocket then scroll it down.

"I checked about it last night Eve, there's nothing. This party is exclusive," Radar said when Eva was about to connect WiFi on him.

"How about stalking Upper Class personally?" Oil suggested.

I thought about asking Jane but I would not risk her just for us to go in a stupid party. I felt very guilty right now. I supposed I am not a good friend. I just kept saying on my mind that eventually they will know it and understand it. We all bit Oil's suggestion, we left Alex and went on the school grounds to find Upper Classes. We first went in the cafeteria but we didn't saw Upper Classes. Next, we went to the amphitheater but again we failed. We go to the dorms but no shadows of Upper Classes in there. Lastly we looked in the offices but then again there are no Upper Classes. We are about to give up when I remembered the invisible Exertion Chamber, maybe the Upper Classes are there.

I told them to follow me, "I know where they are."

                                 * * *
We sprinted along the Dome buildings  and went to the side of the Dome where Lower Classes do not go. We stayed in an open area and they gave me their confused looks.

"This is their Exertion Chamber. It is an invisible room where they enhance and exercise their abilities," I said.

"Are you serious Jack?" Froye asked.

"Yes, I am telling the truth. Just wait for a minute," I said.

We hide on the shrubs that were planted in front of the invisible room. A minute pass, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, six minutes, seven minutes. Everybody is looked me in the eyes with there are-you-kidding-me faces but still I just said wait. Eight minutes, nine minutes, ten minutes, eleven minutes, until fifteen minutes, sixteen minutes, seventeen minutes passed.

We waited and waited and waited and waited, Froye is now yawning, silence is creeping me out, and sweats are running down in our faces. Thirty minutes passed, nothing happens.

"Jack, don't fool us," Eva said irritatedly while starting to stand up and walk.

Suddenly, the invisible door opens. We are back now in our positions and saw Upper Classes went out with their wet-with-sweats exercise outfits. I wink at them as a sign for them to do the job. We listened if somebody's gonna talk about the party.

"10 pm, tonight in front of the bulletin board everyone!" a husky voiced boy said.

We looked at each other then Froye whispered we have to go and walked normally. We walked normally as Froye commanded but the Upper Classes can't stop staring at us.

"Hey, stop!" said a boy with muscled body. We stopped while he and his squad interrogates us. "What are you doing in here?" asked the boy with red hair together with the muscled guy.

"Uhh boys, were just discovering new  places in here. Yes here in the Dome," Eva said seductively.

"Don't use your lower class ability on me girl, I am resistant to all powers," he said.

This is the moment I felt were totally screwed. I looked at them, they are stronger than us. There's a boy who can spit acid and there is one that has fireballs on his hands. I felt scared of the fact that they are many than us. I don't know what to do until Radar shouted "Ruuuuun!". We all sprinted away and I could feel that they are chasing us. Yes! They are following us.

"We must blind them, make them confused!" shouted Oil.

"Control them Jack! Control them!" Radar screamed.

"They are not even drunk!" I retort shrilly.

                                * * *
We kept on running and praying that there is no runner on their team. We went running along the buildings and decided to go into the woods but it is not a great idea because of the fact that Alex was there and we will not risk him. So we kept on running until we reached the cafeteria and seated like nothing happened. I held my breath just like the others did as the Upper Class boys went also inside the cafeteria. I looked at them, they saw us. I'm so scared, I closed my eyes and waited for them to grill us. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw that they just ordered foods and seated in a table near to us. It seems that they don't know us. They don't remember us.

"Those guys are weird," Eva said.

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