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         That is the story behind the fact that we are now in the outside and living in our HQ. After I passed through that passage, I felt free but not really free because I left Jane there. I looked at my phone and received some messages from Jane and Madame Gomez but before I could read it, the phone lost it's connection and stopped working so we decided to throw it all away.

The world outside the Dome is not very diverse from the world that we left since we went into the Dome. I wanted to go back home and sleep, take a rest with my parents but I can't. Billy said we must stay together. He believed that Madame Gomez let us pass the passage between the Dome and the outside because she knew that we can't survive here. Billy said that this is the time to prove her and other pedagogues, even the Regime that we are not just students. We are not just Lower Classes. We are not just errors.

                               * * *
We kept on walking in the city that looked like a ghost town because of it's darkness and silence. Truly the outside is not safe for us but we don't have any choice. I felt bad for other Lower Classes. We could have saved them. One day we'll come back for them but now we'll try our best to survive here. We have nothing now. All of our things and stuffs are left in the Dome. Thank God, Froye still have his money. Billy decided that well stay in an inn for a night or more until we find our real place to stay. We went inside an inn which named "Snuggy Suites".

As we went inside to inquire, everyone kept looking at us.

"We wanted to stay for the night, how much?" Froye asked.

"I guessed your new here, you're teenagers, and teenagers are not allowed in here because, teenagers must be in the Dome!" the old lady exclaimed. I smelled danger, I felt nervous. I heard someone said that we are the one who are on the television, the students who leave the Dome for no reason.

"Can someone contact the Regime? These kiddos are money," a man said.

I detected all their alcohol levels and made it rise. I could see that they were getting dizzy now.

"I can use my radiation," Radar suggested.

"No, you'll kill them. I can manage. Just go, I can't hold this any longer," I said. The people in the pub went silent, they are intoxicated. Thank God that the people here are alcoholics. We went running outside the pub but we don't know where to go.

                               * * *
We kept on walking, Billy was our eyes in the far distance so we followed him. This is gonna be a long walk I suppose. I look around the place and it seemed that we escaped the city, were now on the countryside. It smelled corn and grasses here. Abruptly, there were lights, lights that are so bright. It came from a flying thing. An airship? I felt the chills again.

"It's the Regime! They found us!" Billy yelled. We ran but were too late, the airship landed in front of us.

Someone went outside, a boy, a teenage boy?

"Froye!" he shouted and we looked at Froye baffled.

"Gabe! Thank God!" Froye exclaimed. The boy ran to us and hugged Froye.

"How are you man? gimme brofist," he said. Uhh? We are really addled of what's happening.

"Gabriel Oddins, Froye's smart cousin everyone," Gabe introduced.

We went inside the airship. Now, we're going to Froye's tower. Gabe is very smart, actually he's one of us. He said that he found Froye and us because before Froye went into the Dome, he gave Froye a watch which has GPS.

"I didn't went to that stupid Dome because I don't need to," Gabe added proudly.

Froye explained that Gabe has the ability, Omniscience where he knew everything and anything. He also doesn't have parents anymore that's why he was not recruited by the pedagogues.

We arrived at the tower. All I could say was "Luxury". It's so amazing. Froye said that his parents doesn't care about this tower so we are all free in here.

                                 * * *
Few days later, we went on enhancing our powers and defending cities without getting caught by the Regime or anyone. We defeated a dragon, monsters and many more.

Now who said that our powers were ridiculous? No, they're  not because they are Ridiculously Helpful!

Now, what worst that could happen?

Jack Daniel's Friends and Their Ridiculously Helpful PowersWhere stories live. Discover now