Right Here - Jikook

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Jungkook was dying.

Not like, literally dying, but Jimin was absolutely beaming and hugging his waist and saying over and over "what sweet person you are, Kookie," and that, "I'm gonna love you forever," and "nothing could ever change that," and "come on, hug me back, Jungkookie," and "you're so warm all the time," and Jungkook...was...dying.

Finally, Jimin loosened his grip and looked up, wondering why his owner wasn't responding. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Jungkook smiled down at the fluffy thing attached to him and looped his own arms around the hybrid. "Nothing's wrong, Jiminnie."

"Jiminnie hyung," Jimin pouted.

"Jiminnie-hyung," Jungkook amended agreeable, still smiling and planting a kiss on the other's nose, making Jimin giggle, sniff and wrinkle his nose from the tickles.

Jungkook had first kissed him like that to tease him, then had almost squealed in delight at the cute response. He did again the next day, and Jimin did the same thing. His hybrid was always cute, but this quickly became one of his favorite things to see.

"When are they gonna get here?" Jimin wanted to know, falling back on the bed when Jungkook pulled him backwards.

Jungkook smoothed Jimin's silky ears with one hand. "Late. You don't have to stay up with me. You can greet them tomorrow. They'll probably be pretty tired and want to go straight to bed anyways."

"I'll stay up with you."

"Yeah, right. You'll fall asleep as soon as I turn on the TV." Jungkook chuckled as Jimin poked his chest a couple of times.

"I can stay up if I want to!"

"And then I'll just carry you to bed, so how about you just stay here to begin with?"

Jimin sighed, giving in. He was pretty tired after running around at the park earlier and even the excitement of Jungkook's cousin coming over couldn't stir any real adrenaline in his system. "Okay, fine, but you have to wake me up regular tomorrow. None of that, 'but you were so cute' or 'you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you,' stuff, got it?"

Jungkook's shoulders quivered as he laughed. His hybrid was just the most adorable thing ever. When his cousin had gotten a hybrid cat a few years ago, he'd thought it was pretty adorable. Then, on a whim, he'd gone with his hyung when he went to adopt one and Jimin had just caught his eye.

The fluffy hybrid had absolutely been the cutest thing Jungkook had ever laid eyes on and Jimin just kept staring at him until Jin had tickled him out of his trance. "Why don't you adopt him?"

Jungkook had protested that with all his classes, the hybrid would be lonely and he didn't know how to take care of it and blah, blah, blah, Jimin just kept staring and Jungkook couldn't make himself leave without him. Jin suggested that he bring over Taehyung to play with Jimin while Jungkook was attending classes so he wouldn't be lonely and he'd pick him up after work.

For a while, Jungkook was afraid that Jimin would grow to like Taehyung more than his owner, but his fears were groundless. If there was one certainty about Jimin, it was loyalty, and according to him, "I'll always love you best, Jungkookie," and this proclamation was usually followed by a cuddlefest after which Jungkook always wondered if people could die from being exposed to such cuteness.

Jimin's face was always the first thing he saw in the morning and the last thing he saw at night, and it made each day that much more beautiful.

"I'm not beautiful," Jimin would protest. "You're way more beautiful."

"No, you are," Jungkook insisted, and if Jimin continued to protest, Jungkook was happy to insist...with tickles, until Jimin was almost crying from laughing so hard and joy was bubbling up in his chest and it felt like his heart was about to burst.

"Hey," Jimin's voice ran in his ears. "Where'd you go?" He tugged at his owners shirt to get his attention.

"I'm right here," Jungkook smiled.

"Your mind wasn't." Jimin frowned and Jungkook scratched his ears to turn his frown into a pleased smile.

"Well, I'm back now, so go to sleep." He pulled the covers up over Jimin and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Then he started to get up, but Jimin pulled him back down. "What?" He knew perfectly well what, but he liked to hear it anyways.

"You said they were gonna be late, and I fall asleep faster when you're with me. So, just stay till I'm asleep, okay?"

The puppy was just too cute, seriously, he was going to have a heart attack one of these days. "Okay," he heard himself say, and lay down next to the hybrid, stroking his hair gently and humming under his breath.

True to his word, Jimin fell asleep in a few minutes, hands grasping the comforter that was bunched up under his chin, making him look like a child. He really was so adorable like this. Jungkook thanked his lucky stars once again for this sweet ball of fluff that never failed to make him smile.

He hugged the hybrid a little tighter. "I'm right here," he whispered again, knowing Jimin couldn't hear him. "I'm always gonna be right here."

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