actually talking - Yoonseok

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The first time Yoongi spoke to Hoseok was a momentous day, according to Jimin, at any rate.

"I had to bother Yoongi-hyung for four months before he would talk to me, but it only took three weeks for you to break him down. You're like magic."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at the grinning barista. "Did you ever shut up?"

Jimin sat down thoughtfully. "No. Maybe that would've broken him down faster. Anyway, don't be discouraged. A small comment here and there is like a grand speech for him."

"Doesn't feel like it. I kinda expected it to go faster than this. He talks a fair amount around you."

"He's used to me. He's still getting used to you."

"Well, there goes my idea."

"What idea?"

"I was gonna introduce him to Namjoon."

"Are you insane? There's only two possible outcomes from that, either they both turn into silent statues, happy in their mutual studying, or Namjoon talks Yoongi-hyung's ears off and he abandons both of you."

Hoseok slumped. "I just want him to have friends."

Jimin pat his shoulder. "But he doesn't want friends. He wants you."

"He wants me?"

"Hey, I'm still just a cute, cocker spaniel puppy, you're already a person. Don't suppose you could bring up how I don't really like being called 'good boy,' could you?"

Hoseok wasn't a naturally patient person. He did his best in those couple of weeks after Jimin informed him he could leave Yoongi alone to be quiet and non-disruptive and it had paid off. Yoongi had accepted his presence and would occasionally respond to his questions or ask a question himself. It was a huge step away from his previous loner status, but at his core, Yoongi was still ultimately a loner. And he liked it that way. Hoseok tried to be patient and go along with it. He talked just as much as he usually did, but mostly Yoongi seemed to ignore it. If he was listening, he gave no sign.

So, Hoseok turned to the only person with experience in getting Yoongi to talk - Jimin.

All he got was congratulations on making Yoongi talk at all, and a warning not to break Yoongi down too fast. No Namjoon for a while.

Hoseok figured Jimin knew what he was talking about, having known Yoongi for a whole year and was therefore more acquainted with Yoongi's habits and attitudes. It was probably prudent to listen to him, so Hoseok went back to talking a lot and hearing Yoongi talk a little, and things were okay for a while.

The sixth week into their "friendship," if it could really be called that, Hoseok lost his patience. It was nothing in particular that set him off. Yoongi was humming answers to his comments about his awful essay and his awful teacher and he just sort of...lost it.

"Can't you say words?"

Yoongi looked up from his book in surprise. "What?"

"You keep...humming, and it's like you want me to shut up but you're too polite to say it, except you're not too polite and so you could really say something. A 'yeah' would be sufficient, really."

Yoongi blinked a few times before closing his book carefully and giving Hoseok his full attention. "I don't want you to shut up. I told you that talking is more relaxing than silence at this point, didn't I?"

"Then why are you always silent?"

"I don't have anything to say. I'm not good at talking. You're good at it and I'd rather just listen."

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