Rain - Yoonmin

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A/N: Based on the song, part of a series of requests.


Jimin liked to take walks in the rain.

Without an umbrella, so that he came home soaked and out of sorts, because the idea of rain was a promise of clear thoughts, but actual rain just made him wet.

But he still took walks in the rain anyway.

And maybe this would've been okay if he'd had someone at home waiting for him with a towel and a cup of hot chocolate, but Jimin lived alone. He'd moved out - been kicked out, actually - from his old shared apartment after his roommate got a girlfriend and wanted her to move in with them - him.

Jimin didn't fancy sharing a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment with another person, so he'd swallowed his pride and dug into the cash that his parents sent him every month. There was kind of a lot of it. He usually didn't do anything with it, since he liked to make his own way, but his current occupation was enough for a shared rent and shared food costs, not a room every night at a hotel near enough to his workspace.

The studio was small, but well lit and suit his purposes. His photographs weren't meant to be high profile, but only to make people happy. He liked the kids the best, when they were the type to smile easily, but he didn't mind a challenge, either. Kids had good, empty minds with no clutter to damage their thinking. He envied them. Ah, the innocence of youth. Either he'd just grown up quickly or that was a total lie.

Jimin was ninety-percent sure that he'd just grown up quickly.

On his way back from the studio one evening, he bumped into his old roommate. He was invited to go for drinks. He really didn't want to. He was a terrible drinker and it was scheduled to rain that night. The combination of poor sleeping and walking in the rain was a surefire way to come down with a cold, and being self-employed person, he couldn't really afford to take extra days off.

Well, he could if he tapped into his parents money again.

But Jimin really didn't want to do that.

So he went for drinks.

It was a really bad idea.

For starters, Youngjae was a pretty good drinker. For seconds, he called his girlfriend to come meet him - them - and turns out, she was pretty good too. She was also really good at convincing him to take another shot when he was already beginning to see the world upside down. It was only when he slumped to the table that they let up. Jimin wasn't sure if he napped, or what, but when he lifted his head, Youngjae and his girl were gone, with a note on a napkin saying they'd paid the bill, it's raining, be careful getting home.

Jimin wanted to cry.

'It's raining' was a bit of an understatement.

It was a freaking monsoon out there. Pouring. The clouds were crying big, fat, ugly tears down on the poor peasants and didn't care if they were going to catch a cold and feel miserable all by themselves. It felt like the drops were tiny pebbles on his back, and the chill of early autumn was no help whatsoever.

Neither was his inebriated state. So nice of Youngjae to leave him like this. So nice. So, so, terribly inconsiderate and mean and why had he ever shared an apartment with him in the first place? He was rude and always drank all the milk and didn't buy more and Jimin was always dragging him to bed and then out of bed again in the morning. But Youngjae was still the one with a girlfriend and an apartment and parents who still liked to see him, instead of sending money in envelopes with no return address. Youngjae's life was sunny and beautiful and Jimin's life was a mess.

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