sleep talking - vminkookgyeom

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Jimin was a light sleeper, which sucked, because Taehyung was not. He slept like the dead, except, of course, for when he started talking in his sleep and keeping Jimin up at night. It was tradition to camp out in Jungkook and Yugyeom's room during finals week because they had a game console and a whole bunch of snacks that Yugyeom's mother always sent him. Both of them slept like the dead too, so Jimin was the only one who ever complained about Taehyung's awful sleeping habit.
Jungkook accused him of making it up, since he'd never heard Taehyung talk in his sleep.

"That's 'cause you're fast asleep and dead to the world!" Jimin pulled at his hair in exasperation. "You should try staying up one night and see how you fare. It's terrible. And if I don't make conversation, he doesn't shut up."

Taehyung pouted. "I don't mean to do it," he mumbled into his ramen. And don't stay up, Kookie, or you'll oversleep for your chemistry test tomorrow."

"Chemistry!" Jungkook flopped onto his bed with a groan. "Why did I ever sign up for this nonsense?"

"You didn't," Yugyeom supplied helpfully. "You just have overachieving parents."

"Yes, thank you, Gyeommie, I'm aware." Jungkook pushed his face into a pillow.

Jimin folded his arms. "Okay then, so not this week. But Monday night, when Tae's finished like the rest of us. We stay up and you see what I have to put up with."

"Geeze, Minnie, don't pretend like you love me or anything." Taehyung hadn't stopped pouting.

"I love you, you know I love you. I just don't love you keeping me up at night."

Jungkook lifted his head, nose wrinkling. "That sounds weird."

Yugyeom snorted. "Only 'cause you're weird."

"You're weirder."

"Taetae's the weirdest."

"Yeah, I'm the weirdest, what are you talking about? Kookie is just a brat."

"Now, hang on. You're calling me a brat with Gyeommie here? No way."

Jimin giggled into his sweater paws. "Aw, Kookie, you're so cute when you pout!"

"But I'm cuter, right?"

"Of course, my Taetae is the cutest!"

Jungkook and Yuggyeom groaned simultaneously. "Please don't."

It was the fateful Monday night, and Taehyung could not fall asleep.

"Minnie, I can feel you all staring at me. I can even feel Jungkook rolling his eyes."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm only unimpressed."

"You roll your eyes when you're unimpressed," Yugyeom said, ever so helpfully again.

"Shut up, Gyeommie, nobody asked you."

Yugyeom promptly rolled over.

"Now I can hear Jimin glaring at Jungkook."

"Oh for heavens', Gyeommie, I'm sorry, okay?" Some rustling sounds indicated that Jungkook was attempting to spoon Yugyeom, who was squirming helplessly because he wasn't as strong as the other. "Happy?"

"No, you're suffocating me. Get off, you're hot."

"You know it, babe."

Taehyung could hear Jimin huffing in exasperation, but they all could, and a put out Jimin - while cute in the daylight - was a bit of a terror at night, so Jungkook and Yugyeom quickly quieted down and everybody returned to their own spots.

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