3 Fluffballs

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Seokjin waved enthusiasticly to the bashful interviewer as he blew her a kiss. Upon turning back to his group, only Jimin and Taehyung were left, looking at him in disgust. "Whatever you have to say, you can keep it to yourself."

Taehyung promptly turned to Jimin with a pout on his face. "Can you believe how much hyung was flirting with the interviewer? I mean, he always flirts, but you get the idea that he's at least flirting as much with himself as he is with others. This is getting a little out of hand."

"I agree," Jimin nodded with complete seriousness, ignoring Seokjin's expression of outrage. "Maybe we should have Yoongi-hyung talk to him."

"Yeah, right, 'cause even Yoongi-hyung doesn't give up with this guy. He does! It's not worth the effort, he says."

"There's only one option left, then."


Seokjin folded his arms and jut his chin out stubbornly. "Excuse me, I am standing right here. And you're accusing me of flirting when the two of you flirt with Army all the time!"

Jimin shrugged. "There's a difference between flirting with a whole group of people and flirting with just one person. You're becoming quite terrible in the latter respect."

"I am not! And anyway, what if they like it? What then?"

"It's still hard to watch," Taehyung rebutted, folding his arms too.

"You are such a flirt yourself, Taehyung, don't take that tone with me." Seokjin tapped his foot on the ground, annoyed.

Taehyung considered for a second, then shrugged with his whole body. "Yeah, but I don't intentionally flirt with anybody, I just accidentally flirt with everybody. It's harmless, and cute. You're...weird."

"Weird. I'm weird. I'm weird?" Seokjin took a deep breath before opening his mouth wide to berate his insolent sons.

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