Rain Pt.2

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(like cypher pt.2, except without the rapping)

So, this was a new experience.

Jimin woke up feeling very warm, and very snuggled. That was a little odd. It wasn't like he had any stuffed animals or a heated blanket, so he was rather puzzled until he opened his eyes all the way and nearly jumped out of his skin when they fell on a person...a person...a person?

A person.

Jimin sucked in a breath, all his muscles tensing and his mind vaguely aware that his head like, really hurt, but it was mostly focused on what-the-hell-is-a-person-doing-in-my-bed? Closer surveillance of the room told him that actually, HE was the one in someone ELSE's bed.

What. The. Hell.

As he came to the full realization of this, his muscles sprang into action, jerking him out of the person's arms and all the way across the bed and onto the floor. Ouch. Oh, wow, yeah, his head hurt. His head really hurt. It hurt like a hangover. Well, that would make sense.

Wait, hang on.

Jimin lay on the floor thinking about how he came to be hungover, not noticing the person creeping up on him until he was already creeped up on him.

"You okay?" The person's voice was sleepy and his face was sleepy too. A hand descended to grasp his and pull him upright.

The cry of pain that escaped his lips was embarrassingly loud in Jimin's ears, but the stranger just smiled sympathetically. "Head hurts? Hang on, I'll get you some pills. You should eat something, too."

Jimin sat on the edge of the bed blinking rapidly and wondering again how he'd not only come to be hungover, but sleeping in someone else's bed and wearing someone else's clothes...Jimin stifled another yelp with his hands, begging his brain to stop jumping to conclusions and his heart to please, no, it's too early for anxiety, this is ridiculous.

"Here," the stranger said.

Taking the pills that the (very sneaky) stranger handed him, Jimin swallowed them with water and fidgeted as the glass was set on a side table. The stranger, who was looking more and more familiar, sat next to him and fixed a concerned gaze upon him.

"Do you remember me?"

"Um," Jimin said first, still gathering his wits also still begging his heartbeat to slow down. There's a reason why you don't drink alcohol Jimin, it messes you up.

"I'm Yoongi, remember? We met in the elevator last night. You were really drunk and really wet."

Oh, he must've walked home in the rain again. He really had to stop doing that. "Right," he said, figuring he should say something.

"You don't remember, do you? That always happen when you drink?"

"I don't, um, usually drink, um, much," Jimin answered, cursing his stutter. Couldn't he do anything right? He couldn't even remember an umbrella.

Yoongi leaned back on his hands, letting out a big sigh. "Well, it's still kinda early. Do you want to sleep some more?"

"With...with you?" Jimin squeaked, shifting farther away.

"I can sleep in the other bed, if that makes you more comfortable. I just held you last night because you were a little unstable and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Yoongi eyed him with non-judgmental eyes, but Jimin already felt so bad that he wasn't really noticing.

"Can uh," Jimin began hesitantly. "Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

Yoongi flopped back on the bed and looked sideways at Jimin, his eyes amused but warm. "Well..." he started.

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