You're More Beautiful - Sugakookie

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It was a beautiful day and Jimin wasn't going to waste it. He wasn't going to let his roommate waste it either.

"But hyung, what if there's people there?"

"It's a large park, Jungkookie, they'll be spread out."

"But what if somebody talks to me?"

"For a shy kid, you sure have a lot of confidence in your looks. You're not THAT cute."

Jungkook pouted and burrowed further into his sheets.

"Okay fine, I take it back, you're really cute. I'll stick with you and you won't have to talk to anybody."

No answer.

"Jungkook, I mean it. You need sun and so does your camera. You can't take studio pictures forever. Besides, you've been itching for a sunset shoot."

"How do you know that?" Jungkook's voice was muffled.

"You look out the window and sigh."

Jungkook poked his head out of the sheets. "I don't."

Jimin nodded emphatically. "You do."

"Mmph." Jungkook sat up, pouting again, hoping to sway his roommate into letting him stay home. Jimin was a sucker for him, he knew. But apparently not this time.

"Up. Shoes. Jacket. The air gets a little nippy after sundown. We've got about an hour before then and we can go get dinner after. I'll pay."

"You're supposed to pay, you're the hyung."

Jimin rolled his eyes and left the room, a pair of brown boots flying in a few seconds later. "You can wear your favorite jacket if you want. You know, the green one? MY green jacket?" His voice was muted due to the distance and walls between them, but Jungkook heard him perfectly fine. He huffed and hummed as he pulled on his boots and grabbed JIMIN's jacket from his own closet. He did really like it. He'd hinted that he'd really like one just like it for his birthday, but Jimin had gotten him a red one instead.

Red WAS his favorite color, so he couldn't really complain. It was a muted red, almost brick, and canvasy, and there was flannel inside that was soft and warm. He really couldn't complain. But he also loved Jimin's green jacket, so he pulled it on and wandered down the hall. His camera bag sat on the counter.

"Just bring the camera, Kookie."

"The bag isn't that big."

"Bring the smaller camera with your favorite lens and the strap that Jin-hyung got you. This isn't a photo shoot, it's a photo capture expedition walk."

Jungkook scrunched his nose up as he pulled the strap over his head as requested. "A what?"

"A take nice photos expedition with a secret main focus of just getting you out of the house."

"Not very secret now."

"You already knew." Jimin stuffed the apartment keys and his wallet into his own jacket pocket. "Ready?"

"Hyung, you're wearing my jacket. The jacket you bought me."

"And you're wearing MY jacket. The jacket YOU bought ME."

Jungkook shrug-nodded. "Yeah, okay."

Jimin grinned. "Let's go!"

Of course Jungkook wouldn't admit it out loud, thought he probably didn't have to, given Jimin's extreme case of NOTICING, but it really was a very nice day. The air was crisp but not cold and there weren't a ton of people in the park. The walking path was wide and a few people had dogs. There was a tiny, fluffy white one that caught his eye but he was too shy to go pet it.

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