Runner - Vhope/Vmin

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A/N: seriously, I don't know if which ship this is supposed to be. You pick.


Taehyung was not a dancer.

Taehyung was not a dancer and he knew he was not a dancer. He was a runner. It sort of defied the family aesthetic. Nobody else was athletic. Taehyung himself expected to never be athletic. Then he'd gone and been that weird kid at school and found himself running away from classmates that preferred to beat him up rather than do homework. And in the course of all that running, he'd discovered that he rather liked it. He liked the feeling of wind through his hair and how his lungs would protest and stomach would do flip flops like it was demanding to be let out of his mouth but after a certain point that would stop and he'd feel a new energy coursing through him and all was right with the world. Running became more of a pleasant pastime than a dire action.

His mom noticed, and put him in running club. Why it was called "running club" and not track and field was beyond him, but his school was always trying to different and ultimate failed, since it did everything the same thing as everybody else and just called it by different names. But whatever, Taehyung joined running club and at first, it was great. He had a team, he had friends, he had people to watch his back. He didn't have to run from bullies anymore because athletes were sacred and anybody caught messing with an athlete was punished, so it wasn't really worth it anymore.

Taehyung got to run a lot more and was praised for it, even. Everything was great. But like most great things, it had to end sometime. It started when he was the best. He always won, and mostly, people didn't mind him winning, because he was a very good sport and cheered everybody on and helped people train and did assistant coaching and he was Taehyung. It was very hard to dislike him. The school went to competitions and started winning everything. People loved him. It was great.

Then he hurt his knee. And for a while he had to rest it and he was very impatient, but everybody was patient with him, so he rested and started running again as soon as he was able, but he didn't win so much anymore. He started losing. He started to lose a lot. And his team started to lose a lot. And his knee would hurt a lot. And everything was a lot, a very bad sort of a lot and nothing was great anymore. His friends started leaving him behind, competition was leaving him behind, everything was leaving him behind and Taehyung was very, very frustrated.

He loved to run! It was his favorite thing! But now he was told that he couldn't run anymore, at least not competitively, and for his knee's sake, he shouldn't really run at all. Taehyung was devastated. He'd been set up with an athletic scholarship to college and that was ruined. His parents were sad, but they were supportive and tried to get him interested in different things, but nothing piqued his interest. Taehyung was a runner and a runner he would stay. It was his one true love. When time rolled around to attend college, the same college where he would have been a star athlete and people would love him and everything would be great, Taehyung was so disheartened that he tried to not go.

His parents didn't let him skip out on further education and he enrolled with an undeclared major and a roommate made of sunshine and rainbows and everything was simply awful.

Jimin was a good roommate. He didn't talk too much, but he wasn't quiet. He filled silences with chatter, but knew when to shut up. He would go running in the morning and once asked Taehyung if he wanted to join. "I don't run," he had said, with a tone of such finality that Jimin looked almost hurt. He hadn't asked again.

Taehyung would sometimes (read, everyday) go on walks. He'd always been a good student and homework was a breeze. People didn't naturally assume that he was smart, but was, he really was, but he didn't mind if they didn't know. He'd finish him homework and go on a walk and sometimes (read, all the time), when he couldn't stand it anymore, he'd run a little.

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