Give Me Space - Vmin

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Jimin wasn't big on small spaces.


He was a bit of a small space himself.


"If you're claustrophobic, why are you hiding in a closet?"

"It wasn't my idea!"

"Okay, okay, what do you need?"

"To get out!"

"Um, we're locked in."


Jimin was your average high school student with decent grades and a desire to do great things but no real idea of how to do them and honestly, he'd setting for graduating without having too many meltdowns. 'Cause, see, Jimin was claustrophobic.

And the thing about being claustrophobic is, if say, somebody wanted to tease him a little or get him flustered, all they had to do was get some friends together and stand around him in a tight circle and he would start to freak out. And of course, this was terribly funny. Jimin did his best to avoid large groups of people for this very reason. He was a naturally friendly and outgoing guy, but he'd sort of naturally become the center of attention and that meant being in the center of a group of people. Which then, curse his stupid phobia, meant freaking out and running away so he could calm down and catch his breath.

This is high school we're talking about. Eventually, people stopped being interested in him. His ability to attract people died down and Jimin started losing friends. Most people just aren't made of the stern stuff it takes (apparently) to deal with a panicking friend who just doesn't like small spaces – is that too hard to understand?
Now, there was another kid, a very popular and outgoing kid who didn't have claustrophobia and had no trouble make friends and keeping friends and he sort of lived in a different world from the one Jimin lived in. Taehyung went to a high school where people loved him and Jimin went to a high school where people left him. Taehyung didn't even know Jimin existed. It was a big high school. Taehyung was a busy person. Jimin was an increasingly shy small person who always skipped out on group activities and so their paths didn't really cross.

Yoongi was Taehyung's sidekick. That's what Taehyung called him anyway, and Yoongi had a soft spot for him so he didn't object. It boggled everybody's minds, but they didn't say anything because they didn't want to offend Yoongi. As Taehyung's sidekick, Yoongi made it his business to make sure that the people Taehyung surrounded himself with were at least partly worth his time. He made sure no one gave him a hard time or gave anyone that Taehyung gave special attention to a hard time.
Not that Taehyung had a big head about any of it, but people really liked him and vied for his favor. Actually, he couldn't have a big head about it because he didn't understand the full extent of his popularity. Yoongi aimed to keep it that way. Taehyung thought that everybody had friends and generally got along and so then, when a certain incident occurred, it was a little bit like Taehyung's whole world was shattered.


"You're breathing really loudly. Are you panicking? This sounds like panicking. Are you that kid? You're that kid! The one I bumped into."

"Yeah, I'm the kid. Please work on getting us out."

"I just said the door was locked."

"Can you pick the lock?"

"Well, probably."

"Then do it."

"You look like you need a hug. Wait, would that make it worse? I read that hugs help with panic attacks."

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