Teach me to talk - Yoonseok

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Yoongi was a loner and he liked it that way.

He really did. He liked silence or the ambient sounds of nature over people chattering any day. He liked soft music through his headphones and the relaxing sound of closing a textbook after completing his homework. He liked his coffee black and he liked to sit in the corner of the café while he drank it, at a table that at this point was practically reserved for him and the owner always made sure nobody bothered him. Well, except that one barista, but he let it go for the sake of having his own corner and coffee brewed exactly the way he liked it.

Yoongi tried to make it quite clear to the barista that he wasn't interested in talking, but eventually he learned that he didn't actually have to say anything, just sit there and do his own stuff and the barista was happy to chatter away quietly and not mind that he wasn't being listened to. In a way, Park Jimin was a gift, because it prepared him for college and that one guy that absolutely refused to go away.

The guy was fairly tall, good-looking, wore light blue converse every single day and for whatever reason, loved to hang around Yoongi. He asked Jimin about it one time. "How do I get rid of him?"

Jimin was extremely amused. "Either he wants something from you, he's been put up to it, or he's like me, secretly attracted to the quiet ones."

Yoongi was appalled. "You're attracted to me?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Not like that, I mean, drawn to, interested by, curious of. Don't tell me I should pick my words better, I know that, you think I haven't learned how to read upside down? I see those notes you make of me. What, are you studying the behaviors of chatty baristas?"

Yoongi was doubly appalled. "You have to admit that I never asked for your company."

Jimin leaned over the table with a satisfied smirk on his face. "And yet, we now talk."

Yoongi was defensive. "Only to get you to shut up about your stupid cousin who makes it his mission in life to bother people with no friends–, oh."

Jimin looked extremely pleased with himself. "He thinks loners are the loneliest people out there. He doesn't get that you would be a loner by choice. The only way to get rid of him is to get a friend."

"I don't do friends."

"Then you're stuck with Taehyung."

Yoongi dropped his head onto his arms.

Jimin pat his shoulder. "Sorry. Look, I might be able to help. I'll set you up with somebody."

Yoongi raised his head to glare at the barista. "What?"

"He can come and sit with you at lunch or study next to you and Taehyung will know you aren't lonely anymore and will hopefully leave you alone. I'll talk to him too, but I can't guarantee anything." Jimin stood up and smiled down at Yoongi. "My break's over. Tell me how it goes with Tae, okay?"

"You'll know it if I murder him."

"Now, hyung, if you murder Taehyung, Seokjin hyung will never let you back in here."

Yoongi scowled at his cup of coffee. This was true.

Jimin's "somebody" was the second most talkative person Yoongi had ever met. Jimin was the most talkative, Taehyung was second, but now Taehyung was third because man, this guy talked a lot. Yoongi wasn't sure that it was worth it to put up with even more chatter and useless stories just to get rid of Taehyung. The kid wasn't a bad person, just clingy and Yoongi was not up for clingy. So, he supposed, chatty must be better than clingy, right?

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