Q&A - Jikook

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"Yes, Kookie?"

"Why is the sky so colorful at sunset?"

Jimin looked sideways at the maknae who was sitting back on his hands, watching the sky change colors. He chuckles softly to himself. Jungkook had been in such an inquisitive mood lately. It was like he'd been storing up all these questions and only now was letting them all come pouring out. But he didn't ask Jin-hyung, even thought he was the oldest, nor did he ask Taehyung, even though they were buddies.

Jimin thought he would get tired of Jungkook always asking him, especially since many of the questions were odd and seemingly random, but he found himself enjoying it more and more. His Jungkookie was so cute like this, and Jimin would never pass on an opportunity to see Jungkook be cute.


Humming a little under his breath, Jimin puzzled over the answer. "You know you can always just look it up."

"Hyung..." The whine in Jungkook's voice triggered a bubbly laugh from Jimin's throat.

"Well, the way I see it, sunsets are magical. All the colors are the different types of magic, or different manifestations. The orange is fire magic, and the purple is storm magic and the pink is happy magic."

Jungkook smiled. "Happy magic?"

"Yeah, like..." Jimin leaned over and tickled Jungkook so that he curled up in a ball of grinning giggles. "Like that, like laughing." He gave one last tickle before relenting, scooting away before the maknae could smack him.

Jungkook sighed, catching his breath. "So, laughing is pink?"

"Well, no, your laugh is definitely not pink, but in general, you know. Just a good, happy feeling. And not just any pink, sunset pink, the cotton candy cloud kind that you can't find anywhere else."

Nodding slowly, Jungkook propped himself back up on his hands and they watched the sunset in silence for a minute or two.


"Yes, Kookie?"

"What color is my laugh?"

"Red," Jimin answered promptly.

Jungkook moved over and elbowed him. "You're just saying that 'cause I like red."

Jimin knocked him shoulder with his hand. "Well, okay, maybe. Light green, then."

"Why light green?"

"Just 'cause...it is."

Jimin caught Jungkook rolling his eyes. "It just is?"

"Well," and Jimin pounced again, tickling Jungkook till he earned himself a smack on the stomach. "Aish, Kookie! There, see? Light green. And bits of red, too, because you're Jungkook."

"You asked for it," Jungkook retorted, uncurling himself again. "So, sunsets are made up of magic, and my laugh is light green with bits of red, because I'm Jungkook."

Jimin nodded, sincerity written all over his face. "Yep."

They went back to watching the sunset.



"Yes, Kookie?"

"What are stars made of?"

Jimin looked up to see Jungkook lying on his back, staring up at the sky of not many stars, considering they were in the city. "Jungkook, you're gonna get your clothes all dirty."

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