NO Kissing! - Vminkook-ish

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Jimin woke up to a pair of arms around his middle and warm breath against his neck. He blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the low daylight of early morning. "What, did you have another bad dream, Tae?" He tried to detach the hands but they just clung onto him even tighter. Giving up momentarily, he twisted his head around to try and see his best friend...and instead of the fluffy pink hair Taehyung currently sported, he saw brown.

Blinking again to make sure he was seeing right, Jimin managed to turn himself around until he was facing the person holding him. Brown hair awry and mouth slightly open, the youngest roommate was sleepy peacefully, undisturbed by Jimin's squirming. This was an odd situation. Jungkook had never climbed into bed with him before. He'd never snuggled him before. He never even initiated a hug before. With Tae, sure, but the two of them had known each other longer. Jimin was still building up his friendship with the feisty maknae of their trio.

"Jungkook-ah?" Jimin softly called, brushing the hair out of Jungkook's eyes.

No response, not that Jimin really expected one. The younger slept like a rock. Taehyung claimed that there were two ways to get Jungkook up in the morning: throw water on him or kiss him. "Kiss him?" Jimin was shocked.

"Not like that," Taehyung had rolled his eyes. "Like on his cute, little nose, or something."

"That still sounds weird."

"You don't think he has a cute nose?"

"Well, sure, but I don't know that I want to kiss it."

"You will," Taehyung had replied loftily. "He'll creep into your heart and you'll never be able to get rid of him. I wanted to rent an apartment for two, but noooo, Jungkook just had to tag along. I wanted watch a happy movie, but nooooo, Jungkook wanted action, and haven't you noticed that I always say yes? 'Cause he's just that good."

"At manipulating you?"

"At being freakishly adorable! I'm sure he'll find the perfect method for making your heart melt. He does it to everybody."

Jimin had been skeptical. Sure, Jungkook was cute, but that didn't mean he was going to do whatever he wanted. Taehyung did that already. Now here he was, lying in bed with a certain maknae's arms wrapped around his waist and he had to admit, he was pretty adorable. He still wanted to get up, though.




Jungkook mumbled again, "Taetae-hyung calls me Jungkookie."

Jimin smiled despite himself. "I've noticed. But you're in my bed, not Tae's. Mine. Jimin-hyung."

"Jimin-hyung," Jungkook breathed out, still not opening his eyes.


Jungkook didn't say anything, just moved forward and buried his head in Jimin's chest, leaving the older flabbergasted as to this sudden behavior. He tried pushing him away, tried tickling him, but Jungkook was firmly attached. He sighed, giving up for the moment, and draped his arm around Jungkook's shoulders, figuring he could at least take the snuggles. He was just drifting off again when the shutter sound of a camera went off.

He opened one eye to see Taehyung grinning behind his phone. "He got you."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "How do I get rid of him?"

"I told you."

"Then can you get me some water?"

Taehyung tiled his head to the side with a mischievous grin. "Mm, nope. You'll have to do the other one." And he scampered out of the room, giggling evilly before Jimin could say anything else.

Jimin looked at Jungkook's sleeping face. It was pretty cute, but Jungkook was always cute, and he didn't want to give up a whole morning simply because Tae was evil and the maknae was sleepy. Sighing again, he scanned Jungkook's features, wondering where to kiss that would be the least weird. He settled for his temple. He leaned forward just a little and pressed his lips to Jungkook's soft hair, then pulled back, feeling his cheeks heat up at the ridiculousness of it all.

A moment later, Jungkook shifted, but nothing else. Jimin scowled, feeling a bit put out. Stupid Taehyung. Did the kiss thing really work? Since he knew no other method of making Jungkook wake up, he guess he had no choice. He bent his head against and pecked the maknae's nose softly, quickly.

Jungkook's shoulders started shaking. Jimin frowned, then realized he was giggling. "Jungkook-ah," he growled warningly. "If you don't get up right now..."

A giggling Jungkook unclasped his arms and rolled away from him, curling into a ball and laughing into his hands. Jimin watched him for a second, feeling even more put out after being tricked by his best friend into kiss his not best friend and he sat up and threw a pillow at the maknae's head.

"Next time I find you in my bed, I'm kicking you off. Literally." Jimin got up and started to walk out of the room.

Long arms wrapped around his middle again, pulling him back against a warm chest. "He wasn't lying."

Jimin scoffed. "You both tricked me. If you wanted to cuddle, you could've just said so."

Jungkook released him and spun him around. "Tae-hyung said you didn't like cuddles. That's why I always go to him."

Jimin looked up at him in disbelief. "He said what? Why would--, and you--, I'm going to kill that thing."

Laughing again, Jungkook grabbed his arm to keep him from leaving. "Kisses do wake me up. I don't like it when Taetae-hyung does that. Not that I like getting splashed with water, either."

"But you like it when I do it?" Jimin was still in a state of disbelief.

"Not really. But I do like cuddling you. Can we do it again tonight?"

At this point Taehyung stuck his head around the corner. "I didn't trick you. I just didn't expect Jungkookie to be so...nice about it. When I kiss him awake he tries to hit me. Why didn't you try to hit Jiminnie? It's not fair!"

They both looked at him with blank faces until he had no choice but to humph and walk away. Jimin turned back to Jungkook. "I am NOT kissing you awake again. If you want to sleep with me, fine, but NO KISSING."

Jungkook nodded vigorously. "No kissing."

"You have to get up when I ask you to."

Jungkook pouted.

"I'll keep a glass of water on the side table."

"I think I'd prefer kissing."


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