Chapter Three

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My back smacked into the concrete of the coutyard, Olivers weight was pressed on my forearms making it impossible for me to get up. I thrashed around and people began to crowd around us.

"You're lying! You're a liar!" Oliver screamed manically. Orderlies caught sight of the fight and ran over.

"Get this nutjob off me!" I growled and they crouched down and began to pull him off of me.

"No! She said that they drill holes in your head, she said they're going to put a hole in my head!" They started to drag him away still kicking and screaming.

Stiles was at my side in an instant, pulling me to my feet. His arm was wrapped around my waist and we were so close that I was sure that he would hear my heart racing and it wasn't because of the fight.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly and I nodded. His eyes widened when I slid Brunsky's keys into his pocket.

"I'm okay." I breathed and his eyes flickered back to mine intensly.

"I'll find what you're looking for." He whispered and I nodded.

I was all too aware of his hand clutching the small of my back and the other hand brushing my arm. He was so damn warm. My heart was pounding through my chest when I drew away and his hand lingered on my arm for a second too long before he turned and dissapeared. I turned around only to see Brunsky's beedy eyes trained on me.

I cleared my throat and went to my favourite bench to soak up the little amount of sun time that I would get before Brunsky would dream up and excuse to take me away. But that didn't seem to come. I was lying with my eyes closed for about an hour before I realized that something was wrong.

"Caught..." A voice whispered making me lurch upright. The voice kept repeating the word before another spoke up.

"The darkness in winning." My eyes widened. I scanned the coutyard for Brunsky's familiar smirk but I came up short. I knew the voices meant Stiles so I wracked my brain trying to figure out, where they would take him.

The quiet room.

I got up slowly from my seat and started to wander aimlessly toward the door to inside trying to not draw suspicious eyes to me. Once through the door I retraced the steps the Brunsky and I took when he lead my from the quiet room this morning. I reached a door that said authorized personelle only. I then put my hand into my pocket and withdrew Brunsky's keycard. I had snatched that aswell when I took the keys.

The light flickered green and the door clicked open. I quietly made my way through the corridors, retracing my steps until I got to a row of heavily bolted doors. All of them were not in use except for the one at the far end. I quickly crossed over to the door and pressed the keycard up to the scanner. The lock clicked and I pushed the heavy door open.

Stiles lay there on the floor, his face scrunched and his eyelids flickering. He was dreaming. He started to shift around, mumbling incoherently obviously distressed, so I crouched infront of him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Stiles." I said and shook his shoulders but that only seemed to make him more distressed. I did it again and again and then I yelled it. He luched awake yelling and I raised my hand to rest it behind his head.

"Shhh," I shushed him my eyes searching his. They were filled with childish innocence and fear. Once they latched onto mine he relaxed and stopped yelling.

"How did you get in here?" He breathed and reached into my pocket and held up the keycard.

"I stole Brunsky's keycard." I said and put it back in my pocket. I helped him up.

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