Chapter Four

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"I'm a witch?" The words flew out of my mouth before my mind had time to process them. My eyes flickered up to Stiles' and I could see that my shock mirrored his.

"Is this possible? I mean, you didn't say anything about witches!" I cried and Stiles ran his hands through his hair.

"I didn't know that they existed, I kind of thought you were a banshee." He said.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I spoke the words softly, more to myself than to Stiles.

"Maybe she was waiting, for the right time, didn't she say something like that when you found the bestiary?" Stiles offered.

I pulled the other pages out of her file. I began to flip through them, there were countless pages of therapy notes and observations made by orderlies but one in particular caught my eye. It was written on the day that she was admitted to Eichan.

"It says here that she was admitted when she was fifteen after an accident at her school, deemed her mentally unstable. She was abmitted against the families will." I said, showing the page to Stiles. I continued to read.

"It says that the her history class was visiting a war memorial when she began to complain of headaches. Some of the students began to notice her start to tremble quite violently. She then collapsed and started to scream and convulse uncontrolably on the ground. She kept yelling at people to make the voices stop. An ambulance was called and she was taken to New York presbyterian- Allen Hospital where she had a full evaluation and was deemed mentally unfit and was reverted to Eichan House." I finished.

A lone tear escaped down my cheek and I took a shaky breath in. Stiles finger reached up a brushed the tear away, lingering on my cheek.

"Luce." He whispered. I lifted my eyes up to his. I offered him a small smile.

"I never did tell you why I was admitted." I said softly. He shook his head.

"Well it was almost exactly like that, only when her family fought for her, my Dad delivered me to the door." I stated.

"He doesn't know what you are, her family did." Stiles started but I shook my head.

"We don't know that." I said.

"He would have never brought you here if he knew," He said, reaching for my hands.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"Because my Dad never would have brought me here if he knew. He thinks that I have the same disease that killed my Mum." He finished. His fingers rubbed warm circles into my cold hands.

"When you get out of here," Stiles started but I cut him off.


"When you get out of here, we'll talk to him, we'll make him believe." He said, squeezing my hands tightly.

"What about you? What about the nogitsune?" I asked, whispering the last part.

"That, I'm still trying to figure out." He said looking back at the stacks of paper that surrounded us.

I got up and walked over to the far wall where the symbol was scartched into the wall. I crouched down and ran my fingers over it. I scrunched my brow, The walls were made of stone but this one wasn't it was made of plaster, I could feel it.

"Stiles," I called and he crossed over to me. I knocked on the wall and the sound it made was definitley hollow.

I saw the realization that dawned and Stiles' face. He turned around, his eyes scanning the room before he reached down and grabbed a metal rod. He held it up in his hands like a bat and I moved so that I was standing behind him. He swung the rod and hit the wall, making a small hole in the plaster. He kept hitting it again and again until the hole was big enough for us to see through. We crouched down infornt of the hole and looked through. Inside was a body, it had old army-style clothes on but it's head was wrapped in bandages. It smelt like death.

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