Chapter Thirty

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"Try Maddy. It's got to be Maddy."

"Doesn't Maddy feel a little obvious as a cipher key?"

"I guarantee it's Maddy."


*monotonous beep*

We had been trying for an hour to crack this cipher key. Stiles and Lydia were bickering like siblings and I was trying to keep my eyes open after having about 3 hours sleep If I'm lucky.

I'm not that lucky.

This is what Stiles had kidnapped me to do, crack cipher keys. I don't know why since I had no idea what it could be and if anyone was going to figure this out it's going to be Lydia. I was dead weight, literally dead weight.

"Your mom's name?" I mumbled.

Lydia typed it in.

The monotonous beep sounded.

"Do you have any beloved family pets?" Stiles asked.

I raised my eyebrow and fixed him with a stare, Lydia just hummed and clenched her fists.

"Okay, okay. No family pets." Stiles grumbled.

There was a while where we all just stared at the screen in silence until someone broke it.

Take a wild guess who.

Stiles spoke up,

"The ashes were left for you. The code was left for you. You're supposed to be able to figure this out." Stiles coaxed.

"But no one else is. Which is why she made it hard." Lydia whispered.

She slammed her hands down on the keyboard and I jolted awake.

"Woah!" Stiles exclaimed.

My eyes met Stiles'. I had been avoiding this big brown eyes ever since we got inside but this was a different kind of look.

'Calm her down' he mouthed and I nodded.

I linked our hands and placed my other hand on her arm, I focused on sending calming energy flowing into her body. I heard her sigh.

"I can feel that, Lucinda, I know what you're doing." Lydia tried to be annoyed but the magic wouldn't let her.

"But it's working right?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"Yeah." She hummed. "It's working."

Suddenly she sat up starighter, an idea ignited in her eyes.

"Our guessed. They're all about Lorraine. Right? We keep trying to guess a word that has something to do with her. So maybe we should be trying to guess one that's about me." She said quickly.

Stiles was nodding and I was getting excited.

"But what about me?" Lydia mumbled more to herself than to us.

"What do you remember doing with your grandmother? You know, what was you guys', like, special thing?" I asked.

"Did you guys go to the beach? You know, did you go for walks in the woods or..." I began to prompt her but I noticed the faraway look in her eyes that she always got when she was remembering Alison or Aiden.

She was remembering.

"We read." She said and I looked up at Stiles and he was just as excited as I was, he was looking at Lydia.

"Okay, what did you read?" Stiles asked gently, not wanting Lydia to come back from that faraway memory she was in.

"The Little Mermaid." Lydia whispered.

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