Chapter Thirty-Two

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I am the biggest fucking idiot in Beacon Hills.

Maybe in the whole world.

Why did I start that fight with Stiles? What was the actual point of it all? There was zero point. When I think back it doesn't even feel like me, like I'm a stranger watching this girl mess up the best thing that happened to her since her mom died. It was unecessary. I mean sure, there's always been some sort of connection, unspoken of course, between the two, but it never bothered me before. That was just them. Lydia and Stiles, the supernatural crime fighting duo.

It was like this ache between my ribs, this darkness just spread out through my entire body, and I just let it swallow me whole. Maybe hat's who I really am inside, some kind of bitter bitch.

Maybe I really am going dark and messing things up with Stiles was just the begining.

"You're avoiding me."

I barely made it to Econ the next day before the bell rang after completely missing my alarm this morning. I had just sat down, trying to tuck stray pieces of hair from my haphazrad bun behind my ears when Lydia leaned across her desk to talk to me.

"I am not." I replied, letting out a breathy laugh, keeping my eyes on my empty notebook.

"Really? Then why does it feels like you're breaking up with me instead of Stiles?" Lydia blurted out. My head snapped up to meet Lydia's knowing eyes.

"Stiles and I did not break up. We were never together!" I whisper-shouted at her.

"Lucey, I have had break ups cleaner than what happened at the lake house." She told me and Coach slapped my test down on my desk.

B-. Great.

"How much do you know about what happened at the Lakehouse?" I asked hesitantly.

I was mildly aware that Malia was trying not to meet my eyes.

"Enough to know that my name was thrown around quite a bit." She told me and I had the decency to look apologetic.

"Lucey, don't let a third grade crush ruin a good thing." Lydia's voice was soft and gooey and it made me want to set something on fire.

"Third grade crush? C'mon Lydia don't be so naiive. Stiles has been in love with you for years!" I cried and she rolled her eyes.

"Stiles didn't know me then. And now that he does we're friends. Best friends but still just friends." She insisted.

I kept my eyes on my below average paper.

"Don't let it come between you guys and don't let it come between us either." She said, leaning across and putting her hand on my arm.

I looked up and she smiled at me. I slowly smiled back.

"So are we back together again?" She fluttered her lashes at me and I laughed, really laughed.

"Absolutely," I replied, winking at her.

This wasn't going to ruin Lydia and I but it had already ruined Stiles and I, beyond repair. Over nothing. Stupid bitter bitch witch.

Malia took my attention away.

"Lydia, look!" Malia squealed holding up her paper.

"I passed!" She said proudly, showing lYdia, Kira and I her C-.

"C minus." Lydia said, trying to sound excited but I don't think Lydia has ever gotten a C- in her life.

"Your notes are great when they're not written in code." Malia said excitedly, praically bouncing out of her seat.

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