Chapter One

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It's been a month since Dad dumped me in this hell hole. A month since he left me in Eichan House with the promise of, I'll come back when you're better. Did he think that this place was going to fix me? I couldn't be fixed. I still remember when I woke up in the hospital after collapsing in front of my mothers grave, his ashen face staring back at me. He was afraid, afraid of me.

And now I'm stuck here until he this place has sucked enough life out of me that I am deemed presentable to Beacon Hills. Beacon Hills. I didn't believe Dad when he told me that we were moving but I knew why. How could we stay in the house that was covered in the memories of her. I understood that. But moving from New York to Beacon Hills? That I didn't understand, until we parked infront of Eichan House and I realized my fathers betrayal.

So now as the light starts to fade behind my barred windows as night approaches I let my herself think of her. I let myself think of the mother I lost. My mum was the only person in the world who unfderstood me, the real me. She knew that when the space between my brows was creased that I was deep in thought, she knew that when I was upset that I didn't need a buch of bullshit words, I just needed to be held. She knew that I was not to be approached before I'd had coffee in the morning, she knew that I hated to be underestimated because I wa small, she knew that I was fiercely loyal and that I didn't hand out my heart to just anyone. She knew me, Dad tried his hardest after we lost her but it could never be the same. I was deep in thought when the door to my room flung open and I was met with Brunsky's sickly smile.

"Time for your meds, sunshine." he rasped and I dragged myself off the small bed.

I walked slowly up to him and turned sideways trying to shimmy past his looming frame but I didn't succeed and I scrunched my nose as his hand brushed my hips. His clammy hand locked securely around my wrist and he dragged down the warren of coridors. As we past the door to the wardens office an orderly came out and I caught sight of a man yelling.

"You're never gonna sleep without your pillow!"

No one ever sleeps here. Pillow or no pillow. I though to myself as Brunsky steered me away from the office to the nurses station where I was to collect  the anti-psychoticts that they were stocking me full of.  I approached the desk.

"Lucinda Finch." I stated monotonously.

The lady gave me a once over before placing a plastic cup on the counter. Inside were two small pink pills. I felt Brunsky's beedy eyes watching me as I raised the cup to my lips. I tipped my head back and swallowed and Brunsky grabbed my chin.

"Open," he barked. I opened my mouth.

"Raise your tongue." I did that too.

Satisfied that I had taken the pills he turned to the lady and she gave him the list of the other people who still needed pills. Whilst they weren't looking at me, I raised my hand to my lips and quietly spit the two pills out. Because they were so small, they fitted easily inbetween my back teetth and my cheek. I wasn't crazy, and I wasn't going to let them fill me with drugs so that my dad can sleep easy at night. I tucked the pills in my bra and looked up. A boy was there being led by an orderly down the halls but his eyes were on mine. The intensity of his gaze mad me flush a deep red. He had seen me spit the pills.

Wordlessly I raised a finger to my lips and the corner of his lips turned up slightly before he tore his eyes away and continued down the hall. I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I had been holding. Bunsky's hand latched around my arm again and he pulled me away back towards the domitories.

"Bed time now, lovely." he rasped in my ear, his fowl breath washing over my face. We reached the stairs and started to climb when I heard a voice, whispering in the back of my head.

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