Chapter Ten

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I sat inbetween Scott and Lydia. We were so close that I knew they could feel the tremours roll through my body. After Chris arrived, I felt as though the world had sped up but I was left stranded in slow motion.

I remember the urgency in which Chris gripped my shoulders, pulling me back to reality but I didn't want to go back. Reality was the place where Stiles was dying and Alison was dead. I was pulled back anyway.

"Lucinda, look at me!" He urged and I raised my red eyes to him.

"You have to remember, You called me first. Say it!" He told me.

"I called you," I spoke shakily.

"Not you. Say Mr Argent or Dad." Chris corrected.

"I called her Dad first." I changed it.

"What else?" Chriss pressed

"There were two of them," I started, breathing shallowly.

"They tried to steal our car," I continued.

"They wore masks, one of them had a knife." My voice cracked at the end.

"You think! Don't get specific, Lucinda. You saw something sharp and metalic, you think it was a knife. What do you say next?" Chris instructed.

"If you get confused what do you always repeat?" Chris prompted.

"It happened so fast." I said breathily.

"That's right. Say it again. Lucinda, say it again." Chris urged.

I looked up at him from the ball I was curled into, my face stricken.

"How are you doing this?" I asked desperately.

"It's what we do." He spoke firmly and repeated it again.

Now we were sitting in the sheriffs office, Isaac was submitting his statement and Lydia was clutching my hand so tight that it hurt.

We had no time to be broken, we had to save Stiles.


Scott, Lydia and I walked into the animal clinic, following Deaton into the examination room after recieving instructions from Kira and Stiles.

"Stiles and Kira said it was the nemeton that kept the trap." Scott started.

"The problem is, this isn't even a person you're fighting, it just looks like one. It's a spirit that's taken the shape-" Deaton explained and Scott interupted.

"Of my best friend."

"It was done once. Someone can do it again, right?" Lydia asked.

"I don't know, this thing was trapped before the nemeton was cut down, it doesn't have the same power anymore." Deaton replied.

"Is there anything that does?" I asked

"Possibly." Deaton considered.

"When the tree was whole, it's wood was sometimes used to contain powerful objects. It's very rare." Deaton explained.

"Wait a second, powerful objects? Like an Alpha's claws?" Lydia spoke up.

"Which Alpha?" Deaton asked.

"Talia Hale." Lydia responded and I could see by the looks on everyone's face that Talia must have been very powerful.

"Peter had them in this wooden box with a triskelion carved on the lid. What if it was made from the nemeton?" Lydia told us.

"It was." Deaton said gravely.

"How do you know?" I asked Deaton who looked at me grimly before responding.

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