Chapter Twenty-Four

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I jerked awake, gasping, my hands reaching and they connected with something solid.

The solid thing grunted.

"Jesus, Lucinda. You hit hard." It was Argent.

My blurry vision cleared and I realised I was in the Veternairy Clinic, curled up on the floor. Scott however was laid out on the examination table.

"What happened?" I croaked.

"The Bersekers happened, Sheriff called us." Dr Deaton explained.

So that's what the bone men were called, Berserkers.

I tried to lift myself off the floor, and my entire body ached.

"How come Scott got the table?" I grumbled as I rose to my full height.

"Because Scott has a dagger made out of bone embedded in him." Argent stated matter-of-factly.

It was then that I caught sight of the dagger sticking out of Scott's side.

"Oh. Right." I breathed.

I crept closer so that I could examine the wound.

"I can speed up the healing." I told them and Deaton cocked his head.

"I know a spell or two." I shrugged giving him a wan smile.

"Okay." Deaton said, giving me a secret smile.

I skirted my fingers around t dagger and motioned at Argent to help me.

It was then that Scott's eyes fluttered open.

"I was actually hoping you'd be out for a few more minutes." Deaton sighed.

Scott caught sight of the dagger and his eyes widened in shock and he began to squirm.

"Stay still." I whispered.

Argent gripped the dagger.

"This is going to hurt." Argent told him.

"But not for long." I added determinedly placing my hands on Scott's abdomen.

Argent started to pull the dagger out and Scott let out a cry of pain.

I closed my eyes and focused on pushing the healing energy into Scott. Suddenly his cries cut off and when I opened my eyes, the dagger was in Argent's hand and Scott's eyes were alight with wonder.

"It doesn't hurt." He said amazedly and we we lifted up the hem of the shirt the cut was merely a faint pink line on his abdomen.

He sat up quickly, swinging his legs off the table.

"Where's my Dad and the Sheriff?" He asked.

"Thery're at the hospital, tey're both doing fine." Deaton said, steadying Scott who was still wobbly on his feet.

"It was Kate and the berserkers." Scott said suddenly and I nodded solemnly remembering the smug blonde from when she turned Derek into Baby Derek and stole him out of Scott's bedroom window.

"We have to find her. She's got Violet and I think Violet knows where Liam is." Scott stated.

"Then as much as this hurt, it can probably help, can you catch a scent?" Deaton held up the dagger.

"It didn't hurt that bad." He gave me a small smile before taking the dagger.

"But I can find them."


The scent led us to an old warehouse in the back alleys of town.

In the car I let my mind wander briefly to Stiles and where he was right now. I found it odd that he of all people would be missing this but I shook the thought from my head. I needed to concentrate.

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